HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund

<p>Congratulations BW and laas, and good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Yes!! This is the only outside award I have received and I got the full award, because I’m going to UPenn, I guess. Thank you HSF, even if you are a “an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, shrouded in mystery”. I sent them a message asking about the Ford Scholarship. I’m waiting for a reply now. Congrats to everyone! It pays to keep plugging!</p>

<p>I have heard nothing yet! Its late August and nothing! My status still says reviewed. Other than that nothing. I have a bad feeling. I feel like I didn’t get it. I don’t like how scholarship foundations always keep the people who didn’t win waiting. It sucks!!!</p>

<p>Hey there future class of 2014. i’m new to the site and i applied to multiple scholarships through HSF.net i was wondering if anyone else did as well.? did any of my hispanics apply?</p>

<p>DS did, but I’m totally unclear what exactly he applied for. :)</p>

<p>My DS applied also and like “you don’t say” I’m not really sure which ones he applied for. I was a winner of the scholarship for 6 years in late 70’s and early 80’s. Back then it was a simple application. I am happy that they have done so well over the years in awarding scholarships. Good luck to everyone.</p>

<p>Hsf finalist!!!</p>

<p>My daughter got the email about being a finalist yesterday. I’m not exactly sure how this works.</p>

<p>My DS got it to. We have to submit his SFAR</p>

<p>I was also named a finalist for the General Scholarship. They asked me to send the Student Aid Report (SAR), and that was it. THAT was like 2 or 3 months ago. What now?
I mean, I was like “wow I’m a finalist, I’m a genius…”
But then I started to wonder “ok…but how many finalists are there?” LOL
Let’s see. I hope I can get at least 1000 bucks for my Hispanic pride hah</p>

<p>what do ur statuses say, did anyone apply for the walmart one or the yum yum one</p>

<p>yeah i applied to both and it says reviewed. but my friends say not selected so im not quite sure wat that means. =/</p>

<p>has anyone received notice yet on whether or not they were awarded a scholarship??</p>

<p>Yeah I was awarded $2500, from the Nissan scholarship! I was notified by email on June 24, if it helps to know.
That’s exactly the amount I needed to get me out of a work-study program my school was going to enroll me in next semester, so I’m happy :)</p>

<p>Yes me too. I was awarded $2500 it’s an LAUSD scholarship but it’s renewable and i’m a HSF scholasr. =] Got notified last night by e-mail. =]</p>

<p>So - the only one my daughter has the being reviewed status for are the general hsf scholarship and a Proctor and Gamble one. Do other people have the general one and others listed? She had Telemundo listed as well but it shows she was not selected for that one.</p>

<p>I applied for the hsf general scholarship and it says reviewed. Does anyone know when we will be notified?</p>

<p>If you go on HSF facebook page, they said they are notifying students throughout the month of July. Someone asked if they were notifying “winners” first, and they said no. They have a very large group of applicants to do for final review and it will take them the entire month.</p>

<p>[Hispanic</a> Scholarship Fund | Facebook](<a href=“Facebook”>Hispanic Scholarship Fund)</p>

<p>The link for facebook is above. I found that facebook page more informative than the website. Someone from the organization seems to post often, plus they will post when new scholarships become available.</p>

<p>On the facebook page, they posted that they have updated everyone’s account online. My son never got any email notification, but his account showed he was not selected. The facebook page describes the different status meanings. Hope this is helpful.</p>