<p>Just needed to let this out because someone I know got a 1880 on the March SAT but a 32 (equivalent to 2140) on the April ACT. She's been preparing for the SAT for a MUCH longer time than she has for the ACTs, but this huge, almost 300 point leap in just 1 month is slightly disconcerting and making seriously doubt the validity of the ACT exam.</p>
<p>does your feind have strength in the sciences? A high science mark could account for the discrepancy!</p>
<p>She wouldn’t go into specifics but she is not amazing at science, just decent. But from what I remember about the PLAN exam last year, the writing and reading sections are a piece of cake - very easy to ace.</p>
<p>ever considered the fact that the SAT and ACT are DIFFERENT TESTS that test DIFFERENT THINGS?</p>
<p>Bigb14, well of course. But if colleges are supposed to accept either one, I just don’t know how valid the ACT is now that I saw this huge 300 point jump from one of my friends.</p>
<p>I have heard that a good SAT score looks better than a good ACT score, but I do not know that for a fact.</p>
<p>no it’s not a 300 point jump, because you’re comparing apples and oranges… They are different tests, and it makes sense that your friend would have different score ranges for the two tests.</p>
<p>You’re questioning the validity of the ACT because of one anecdote? That’s quite an extrapolation.</p>
<p>Most people I know tend to do better on the ACT and seems to think that it’s easier so maybe that’s why? </p>
<p>But yeah, they’re completely different tests. I personally think it’s harder to get a better score on the SAT
I know a lot of people who got below 2000 on the SAT but got above a 30 on the ACT without any prep in between.</p>
<p>My friend who had a 1920 on the SAT recently took the ACT and received a score of 36 (perfect) which is equivalent to a 2400 on the SAT.</p>