HUGE QUESTION!!!- Personal Background for Colleges

<p>Med - how do you intend to incorporate your identity issues into your essay? One thing you don't want to do is seem like you are complaining, when you in fact are living a pretty priveliged life.</p>

<p>im not complaining but it is rather a portrayal of my two lives and classes. It is not more about privelege but rather heritage, my Indian heritage at home and my American life at school. Although I am from New Jersey, and not an international student, I still have two sets of values at each place. I'm not complaining but rather trying to get an idea.</p>

<p>So which essay topic would that answer apply to?</p>

<p>Colleges don't want confused study who lead false lives, they want genuine students. Rather than identifying the disparities at home and at school, find some common ground that ties these "different lives" together... and don't, don't do it as a supplemental thing.. ugh, your colleges will hate it. Make it your primary essay, but then again, I advised you earlier not to pursue the topic so #1 don't do it at all. A lot of us have warned you against going for it, but if you must, you must. Beyond this, I don't think we can help you out much more- you'll be hearing the same responses over and over (don't do it!).</p>


<p>Two sets of values...which are you most comfortable with and why? Differentiate between the value systems - do they clash? Does it cause problems that your dual values sometimes do not mix well with your parents more traditional values? How have you synthesized both worlds? Did you ever feel marginmalized at school.. if so, what did you do about it...these are the provacative questions I would focus on for an essay.</p>