<p>No, I'll probably end up not taking the AP Lit test...because it's gonna end up being around the time I get out of school (~ May 12)...I am sooo not going to care after that!!!</p>
<p>I think the fact that we're DONE will hit me when we practice graduation...wow...</p>
<p>6 would still be something without 7, because 7 comes after it. 6 is the prereq for 7. it's like trying to sign up for composition 2 without having taken composition 1. it doesn't matter whether or not you take comp 2 after comp 1, but if you want to, you're going to have to go through comp 1 first.</p>
<p>oh baloney, we still have 5 before 7 just as you have 8 after 6. no to mention, much better work is produced by students in comp 2 than in comp 1. so ha!</p>
<p>haha yeah it's nice to be a senior. I got a full ride, so my care factor in school is 0%. I have much more time to hang out and play guitar now.</p>