Hum Core or Wriing 39B

<p>what do u guys think??? which class should I take? if someone can lay out the pros and cons of each class, or even if someone has taken or is taking hum core or writing 39b then please give me your thought on which class I should take.</p>

<p>thanks guys</p>

im an electrical engineer major first year</p>

<p>Humcore's ruining my life right now</p>

<p>I'm in hum core right now and it isn't that bad.</p>

<p>You're experience depends on several things: what discussion leader you get, whether you're already a strong humanities person, etc.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that if you are in the honors program, you must take hum core. If you are humanities major, you must also take hum core.</p>

<p>how are you not in humcore right now if ur a first year? i dont think you can transfer in midyear. nor do i tihnk you can take it your soph year.</p>

<p>anyway, its probably not worth it for you (EE major). typically, hum students take humcore and meet a lot of their GE requirements through it. for you, as an EE major, will probably do a butt load of math/science classes that will count towards ur GEs too.</p>

<p>I’m an engineer too. I dont think you can switch into it in the middle of the year. You can always email your academic advisor. I personlly would just sign up for 39 B. I heard its relatively easy compared to 39C.</p>