Hum/FA/C electives- suggestions

<p>Son registers next week- looking for suggestions for the Hu/FA/C core requirement- he is in MUS 121 now- read about FA200 and art history 252/253- he heard that CS 285 was an online class…any other suggestions?</p>

<p>My son is taking the TCF class this semester and is enjoying it. It’s very different from the History of Film that my husband and I took. The teacher shows different films with different themes, instead of doing a chronological history like we took. If your son is in Honors, my son also took Cinema of the 70s last semester and really enjoyed that as well.</p>

<p>Has he taken a foreign language? The spanish and italian profs are excellent…both of my kids took both languages and loved their profs.</p>

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<p>thx- doubt he will want to take a 3 hour night class… I mentioned Spanish to him-he took 1 and 2 in HS but heard CS285 was online and not hard… … just looking for other options in case they are fulll</p>

<p>I second the opinion about the Italian Department. Good classes and great professors!!</p>

<p>Also, what about a music class? Just make sure that the class you choice fills the correct requirement.</p>

<p>Second the Italian professors. There is actually at least one, perhaps two, honors classes that are taught by the Italian professors, husband and wife. My son took the one taught by the husband, where they read Dante’s Inferno, Machiavelli, and Nietsche. He loved the class and the professor. </p>

<p>I don’t know if Jennifer Kidd is still offering the Fine Arts for engineering majors, or even if not for engineering majors, if she’s teaching the class. It was probably mentioned already. It is not an honors class. An absolutely fantastic class where the kids read, write, draw, film. Awesome class.</p>

<p>FA 200 no longer has a separate eng’g major section. It is being taught this fall 2014 by Brickman and Dewar. Kidd is teaching it right now. Maybe Kidd again in Spring 2015! ;)</p>

<p>he got into SPED 100 and hotel management for electives - Econ 110 and Geology 101and Women’s studies- but now has decided to take Econ at CC this summer so now need to replace econ and hotel with I guess Cat 200 and a Lit class- most are full except for 206…not sure if he needs 2 lit classes- a lot of reading… </p>

<p>Son took the TCF film history class. It was very different from the film history classes H and I took, which started with the silents and did a chronology of different techniques. His prof, Dr. Kristen Warner, showed many different films from different eras, different techniques, different nationalities. Son, a big movie buff, loved the class and highly recommends it.</p>

<p>What is this TCF film history course # exactly? I do not see it listed, and is there a pre-req to take it?</p>

<p>It’s TCF 112. Son has been trying to take this class for four years. Now done with his core curriculum, he took it for fun when it finally fit in his schedule. For an honors credit, he took Cinema of the 70s, which was an awesome class as well. Neither class has prereqs. The TCF course section he took was one night a week, a long class. It not only involved watching a movie and answering questions on it afterwards, but also had a textbook that the kids read and were tested on. He learned a lot of history and about different directors through that part of the class as well. The Cinema of the 70s class involved watching a movie in class, but also watching a movie on their own over the weekend. That course included not only movies made during that time, but also, later movies that depicted that time period, and even before, ie, American Graffiti. Lots of Jack Nicholson movies in that class. Both great classes. Another honors FA class he enjoyed was a course taught by the Italian husband professor, where they read Dante’s Inferno trilogy, Machiavelli, and Nietsche. Great thing about Bama is the variety of classes available to take to fulfill your core requirements.</p>