Humboldt State now officially named Cal Poly Humboldt


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Kind of fun to watch this transition occur.

Humboldt brand transition

Several new majors will be added over the next 6 years. Cannabis Studies. Interesting :thinking:

These “rules” (“more like guidelines”) are kinda funny:

"When referring to the University in the main body of your content:

  • Use Cal Poly Humboldt in most cases.
  • Use Humboldt, if desired, on second and subsequent references and when using a casual tone.
  • California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt should only be used when referring to the full formal name is necessary for context. NOTE: there is no comma in Cal Poly Humboldt.
  • DO NOT USE acronyms such as CSPUH or CPH. At this time, there are no official acronyms for our institution.
  • In general, the following replacement rules apply:
  • Cal Poly Humboldt changes to Cal Poly Humboldt
  • Cal Poly Humboldt changes to Humboldt or Cal Poly Humboldt depending on usage
  • Humboldt changes to Humboldt"

And this:

Brand Voice

Cal Poly Humboldt generally uses a casual and friendly tone when communicating with its audiences. Reserve a formal tone of writing for official documents and communications, for example when communicating with students about requirements for degree completion or with agencies about grant funding.

In an alphabetical listing of full names, this will come after California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, but before California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. All of them will come before California State University, [location], and the [location] State University names all have locations that are after C.

If someone there says that they are a CS major, which kind of CS would you assume?


Argh! I’m going to have to update my sweatshirt!


Interesting, I was wondering how “Indigenous wisdom will be respectfully and purposely reflected in the university’s academic offerings”

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Probably most specifically a reference to a program in Indigenous Science & the Environment.

Other programs where that may be relevant include Food Systems Science, Health Advocacy, Engineering & Community Practice, Agriculture, Forest Engineering.

It sounds like a lot of that is focused initially on the Applied Fire Science & Management BS. I noted the plan for “a better educated workforce that recognizes the importance of fire as an ecological and cultural process, more effectively managing wildfires, planning and implementing fire and other fuels management treatments, and mitigating the impacts of high severity wildfire”.

There’s been a lot of interest in this topic recently on the legislative front:


I think this is cool! It’s a pretty campus in a pretty area. It’s more of a residential school than a commuter school. I’ve always felt it was one of the most underappreciated publics in CA. Hopefully this will help them thrive.


In the description of the Cannabis Studies major it states, "Humboldt County is also a globally renowned epicenter of the US domestication of cannabis cultivation. "

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Cal Poly Humboldt accepts applications via the CSU portal until February 28, 2022, and it has many great degree and credential programs for students still looking for a solid place to land in Fall 2022.


chances are software engineering at cal poly humboldt is an impacted major already!

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Software Engineering will not be available until 2023. CS is not impacted as of the 2023-2023 school year.

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Gumbymom, is it possible to remove “Humboldt State University” from the top of this university’s CC page and change it to “California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt” like SLO and Pomona? It would be nice if this school popped up with SLO and Pomona when families use the College Search function for “Cal Poly.” Thank you.


@CC_Joy, @CC_Mike in the alphabetical listing of colleges, Cal Poly Humboldt is still listed under H instead of C. When you open the forum, the title at the top of the forum says Humboldt State. Is that what you are referring to @Donna5?

Yes, thank you, those two places for sure, and any other place that can help students find this new polytechnic. It’s just a little lost under it’s former HSU identity.

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We’ll get to it next week for sure. There’s a few things with Google search we have to resolve first.


Hi Mike, just being a squeaky wheel. Hoping you now have a moment to rename Cal Poly Humboldt in your search engine menu and its forum title page - Donna

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