<p>Anyone get in?????? :) I'm really anxious; it is supposedly almost impossible to get into! Best of luck to everyone.</p>
<p>Someone from my school did. He’s a pretty awesome person, though.</p>
<p>I only remember seeing on other in the ED response thread.</p>
<p>i applied to huntsman RD, but how important is a foreign language SAT II for this program? I got good grades in 4 yrs of french but had to take the SAT II last min when their website suggested it. do they weigh the subject tests as much as everything else?</p>
<p>well it is a requirement and it is important</p>
<p>^^^ Not necessarily true. I got in without taking a foreign language SAT II. Papanoel, it is important but not to the point where you will not be chosen because your SAT score wasnt high enough.</p>
<p>Classmate got in!! An Asian as well. Definitely thumbs up to him.</p>
<p>Could anyone PM about what it takes to get into the Huntsman program?</p>
<p>^Bumping a 3 year old thread…really? I highly doubt any of these people are on CC anymore.</p>
<p>I know… three years… but anyone here interested in Huntsman?
I want to study in the program so badly!!!</p>
<p>If you guys want to share the passion for the program, let’s keep this thread rolling. haha.</p>
<p>I want to focus on Portuguese as my language. Even though I do not know Portuguese, I have been speaking Spanish for eleven years. I am Korean, but I live in Bolivia (so that is where I picked up my Spanish). What about you guys?</p>
<p>a suggestion . . post a new thread that asks in a straightforward way your questions about Huntman</p>
<p>If you ask a general question like “hey what about Huntsman?” you’ll get back general answers like “wicked hard to get into”</p>
<p>here in CC as in life: you get back as you put in.</p>