I know it’s a very remote chance the campus would need to evacuate in the event of a hurricane, but what if a student lives on campus without a car? How would they evacuate in that case?
In SC here, where hurricane evacuations are an annual thing. We are pretty far inland, but one reason our schools are canceled is because they take all our school buses to the coast to evacuate those without cars. I know that’s what happens at College of Charleston.
I was just wondering if the school rounded up those without cars and would head north or something like that.
Tallahassee isn’t in a hurricane evacuation zone. It’s far enough away from the gulf that it won’t be in the storm surge. The university does an excellent job of providing for the kids in the dorms and they open locations for students to ride out the storm if they are worried about their safety. We live OOS and my student experienced 3 hurricanes during her time at FSU. She always felt safe in the dorms. That said, they tend to give you enough warning ahead of hurricanes that out of state kids could fly home, if you are willing to pay the sometimes crazy expensive ticket prices.
Thanks @Searching2020 , has Tallahassee/FSU ever been under a mandatory evac? I remember once in the late '80s when Galveston and the S. Houston area were under mandatory evac and it was complete chaos.
My son evacuated last year. He could have stayed in the dorms but once power goes out it is not much fun. He did not have a car but went with his roommate to Sarasota. He ended up meeting his other FSU friends and they all went to Disney World for free bc one of the parents worked there. Not a bad evacuation experience.
It is easy to get rides if you want to leave, but I also would not be worried about him/her in the dorms or the storm shelter if he stayed. It is far enough inland and the buildings are very strong.
I don’t think they had a mandatory evac even for Hurricane Michael, which was the biggest one recently.
Thanks again @vistajay , as always your FSU insights are most valuable