Hurricane Katrina

<p>For any parents that don't know, the U has the emergency preparedness webpage up, and the rumor control hotline is also running: 800-227-0354.</p>

<p>D's been told classes will likely be canceled Friday - she says its just like a snowday!!</p>

<p>S has been told the same thing. He's actually excited-strange child. The Weather Channel has listed some So FL schools that are closing. So far, no UM.</p>

<p>ctmom-How is you D doing? When we walked by the band kids they were all laughing and seemed to really be having fun. S had 4 classes yesterday and said they all seemed really good. Only one large lecture, chemistry, all others were about 20-25. On Thursdays he only has a chem lab and the professor said the labs won't start for 2 weeks, so today he is off!</p>

<p>He and roommate are getting along great. S said they feel like old friends.</p>

<p>I had such a great time down there, I can't wait to go back and see him all settled in at Parent's Weekend.</p>

<p>I looked last night for hurricane news on the umiami website, and found nothing. Do you know the URL? Thanks!</p>

<p>my school closed, summer just got a four day extension. Feel bad for people on the coast, though</p>

<p>S just told me that UM may close at 2PM today. He said there is a 100% change of precipitation. This is weather he has not seen before, growing up in the Pacific NW.</p>

<p>If he's in Miami, the eye is hitting about an hours drive north of that, ft. lauderdale or there abouts. There is only 10 hours till landfall, and its still classified as only a tropical storm, so unless it stalls it probably cant get that much stronger. Just tell him to be careful of downed powerlines afterwards.</p>

<p>Wish, here's the link: <a href=""&gt;;/a> </p>

<p>On the main page of the UM site, there is a box at the bottom labeled
"Storm Alert" or something like that.</p>

<p>It sounds like everything's under control and that this one will bring mostly rain.</p>

<p>My-3-sons: D's doing great! Had a bit of a glitch getting her schedule in order, but it looks like everything is resolved now. She's learning how to handle administrative red tape :)
She's very happy with her decision to join marching band - an instant group of friends from different years, different majors (and actually different schools - FIU and Miami Dade community college kids as well).
They are busy getting ready for the FSU game, which is preceded by a trip to Disney World (and an overnight there) with a march down Main St.!!</p>

<p>Thank you! The storm stuff was not there when I looked last night or this AM, but now I see it.</p>