Hurricanes get a Hurricane Day

<p>Not a snow day, but a hurricane day!</p>

<p>The school is now shut down until Tuesday at the earliest. Here is a link with their emergency info:</p>

<p>Emergency</a> Preparedness | University of Miami</p>

<p>Hope all stay safe!</p>

<p>Just heard from our D about this. Weather tracker shows it mostly missing the East coast, except for some rain and moderate winds. Looks like the worst of it will be Sunday during the day.</p>

<p>Our kids called today too. Our D was in the library when they started putting up the storm shutters…so, back to the dorm, but that was okay because the band had stopped practicing and she could read in peace and quiet!
Sounds like they are organized and keeping the kids safe and fed! Florida kids are used to this, but the northern kids are not as calm, having no experience with a hurricane. They are well cared for at the U and all will be okay.</p>


Not so sure about the fed part. The dining hall closed today at 7pm and our last meal is given tomorrow between 7am and 10am (a three hour breakfast window). The dining hall will be open during that time and we are able to take a boxed lunch as we leave. Everything is closed Monday. This means we have two meals (dining hall + box meal) for the next 48 hours. Good thing a bunch of the guys on my floor and I went to Publix today and stocked up on food.</p>

<p>At parent’s orientation they said they have food stored to feed all for at least 4 days. The Emergency Preparedness site said that students on the meal plan would be given boxed “meals”. I thought this would be meals for 2 days. My daughter took the bus to a few supermarkets, and did make some purchases but said that the shelves were mostly empty especially of non-perishable items. She later learned they would be a “snack box”. I am sure she will be ok, but I thought the U would have done a better job providing food to those on the meal plan (especially for the freshman who are still just learning their way around). I wish I had stocked her up with more food before we left.</p>

<p>just heard that the “boxed meal” was 3 granola bars and some yogurt!</p>

<p>My daughter received 2 granola bars, an apple (others received moldy oranges), 2 bottles of water and a thing of jello - this is supposed to last her 2 days!</p>

<p>Anyone who didn’t go grocery shopping on Saturday or before is probably SOL. There’s no reason they couldn’t have, there’s a shuttle that goes to Publix and Whole Foods and probably other places. They’re within walking distance anyways and so is CVS.</p>

<p>My daughter didn’t sleep much last night. The winds were howling and she said it felt like the buidling was swaying. Interesting, they told them to move everything 6 feet away from the windows…D’s room is not big enough to move anything at all. There’s no place to move it! We’ll just hope no windows get blown in. I wish all of the dorms had hurricane shutters like Hecht/Stanford. In the rooms at Pearson/Mahoney, one full wall is windows. Not exactly built for a hurricane or tropical storms. D went to Target yesterday with some friends, and they all stocked up on food. She also ordered 4 big salads (with protein) from GPS yesterday, as they deliver. They will be good as long as the electricity doesn’t go out. Kind of disappointed in the food Miami is giving out, as it doesn’t sound like very good planning. From posts here, it sounds like they are not giving out dinner tonight or anything tomorrow? Hope that is not the case. Keeping my fingers crossed that they keep electricity and have no big damage in Miami.</p>


Pretty sure that is the case, unfortunately. They said that everything is closed tomorrow which would include the dining halls.</p>

<p>As a Floridian who has ridden out numerous hurricanes and has a sophomore at UM I thought I’d chime in, especially in reply to those complaining about the food. During these storms it is not feasible to eat fresh or hot meals. This is true even in our private homes and especially so when there are 10,000 mouths to feed. That is why we always stock up on nonperishables. That means we eat lots of granola bars, cold soup, etc. The roads can become very dangerous due to flooding, fallen trees and power outages (no traffic lights) so everyone, including the food service workers, need to stay off of them for their safety. That is why everything is closing down. </p>

<p>I am sure our kids will be totally safe in their dorms. They are not going to take a direct hit and at worst might get some Cat 1 strength winds. Some will find it an inconvenience but I’ll bet most will find it quite exciting and memorable.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’ve heard the food boxes were pretty terrible. Good thing I stocked up on Ramen!</p>

<p>cpr777, I don’t think people are complaining about what is being given (granola bars, etc), but the quantity. For 2 food swipes, they received 2 granola bars, water, a piece of fruit and a container of jello. That is supposed to last for 2 days? My D is fine, as she stocked up and could probably last a month (seriously). However, some kids probably did not. When Miami says they will provide food, they should provide enough food to provide sufficient calories for the days the dining hall is closed. Sure, no one is going to starve, and in the grand scheme of things, this is not urgent. I think everyone understands the type of food they are giving, as well as the importance of safety for all workers. I just think they could have at least warned the kids that this is what they would be receiving, so they could have planned otherwise, especially freshman that don’t have cars and might not be used to getting around via public transporation yet. Latest forecast shows Isaac is not picking up steam, so hopefully things will get back to normal quickly.</p>

<p>Dumbo- What’s GPS? THANKS!</p>

<p>Gables Pizza and Salad. It is just down US1, and for $9 they deliver a great chopped salad. You get to pick your ingredients and type of lettuce, then they chop it all up very fine. The salad dressings are homemade too. It is absolutely delicious. Highly recommend the garlic knot rolls too. They also have great sandwiches, wraps, and pizza.</p>


Well for the record, we got to eat in the dining hall this morning plus we got the food box, so it’s not a matter of us being jipped a food swipe because technically, we weren’t. </p>

<p>As for delivery, that’s a good option and several of us on my floor plan on doing that this evening so that we can get at least one good meal today.</p>

<p>According to UM Dining on Facebook - Dining Halls will reopen tomorrow at 8am and follow a normal schedule.</p>

<p>Yep, email just came out:</p>


Such a relief.</p>

<p>LOL- The wind was howling and the building was swaying??</p>

<p>This amounted to nothing more than a rainstorm- and we are used to those down here.</p>

<p>I did not even move my garbage can into the garage.</p>