<p>Class Rank: 1/115
SAT II: 800 790 800
AP: 12 taken all 5s
SAT: 2400
Weighted GPA (percent): 96%
Unweighted GPA (percent): 96.5% </p>
<p>Extra Curriculars
-Unicef Youth Rep.
- Published book on fundraising
(profits donated to UNICEF and fund raisers/book parties held across the country)
*thats all your getting because i dont want stalkers. sry</p>
<li>President of Community Service Council, Multicultural Society, Multi Faith Club, DECA Business Club, Senior Debating, and school newspaper</li>
<li>Head of Student Government</li>
<li>1st place winner in Canadian National DECA business competition</li>
<li>1st place winner, Open Heart Poetry Competition winnings donated to charity</li>
<li>1st place YPI Initiative (Government civics competition) -money earned donated to Canadian Cancer Society</li>
<li>Provincial National Debate Compeition 3rd place</li>
<li>International Debate Competition 5th of 130 international debaters.</li>
<p>Schools applying to:</p>
University of Chicago
<p>Can you chance me?</p>
<p>*Btw i am what people call a URM, but I dont know how that helps me (not a big fan of race based admission)</p>