HYPS + Cornell, Duke, WashU chances please!

<p>Caucasian male
large public HS in a suburb of Seattle</p>

<p>chances for: Harvard, Stanford, Penn, Yale, Cornell, Duke, WashU</p>

<p>-Unweighted GPA: 4.0</p>

<p>-Weighted GPA: 4.65</p>

<p>-5 honors, 11 AP courses</p>

<p>-rank 1/484</p>

<p>-SAT: 700 math, 760 reading, 740 writing (2200 total)</p>

<p>-SAT II: 740 French, 720 Bio-E, 800 Math II</p>

<p>-AP scores: 4 Chemistry
5 Environmental Science
5 Biology
5 Calculus AB
5 French
5 Statistics</p>

<p>-ECs --
RYPAC - local government committee for youth outreach and community service, plan and execute a number of community events, fundraisers, and service projects (11th, 12th)</p>

<p>local hospital volunteer (11th, 12th)</p>

<p>ASB Senior Class Secretary (12th)</p>

<p>Advisory Class Representative (12th)</p>

<p>National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine (10th) - 10-day premed program at UC Berkeley</p>

<p>-employment --
doctor’s assistant in a chiropractic clinic. performed clerical tasks in the office as well as taking patient histories, taking treatment notes, and developing x-ray films. approximately 10-12 hours per week for one summer.</p>

<p>-honors/awards --
National Merit Semi-Finalist
AP Scholar With Distinction
Washington State Principals' Scholars Award</p>


<p>with what you've given us, i think that HYPS are all reaches; cornell should be a high match; duke, a match or high match; and Wash U (i assume you mean St Louis) a high match.</p>

<p>you have the grades, and, for most of those schools, the scores, but ECs are lacking severely. There's just nothing to distinguish you from the other applicants to the top schools that have the same stats. I wish you the best of luck!</p>

<p>also, how were your essays/recs? it could very well come down to those subjective pieces of the app.</p>

<p>I know, I really dropped the ball on ECs.... honestly I had no idea they were important until I started looking into colleges, pretty dumb.</p>

<p>I'm confident my recs were solid, both were from veteran AP teachers who I've had multiple years and who like me. I think I did a decent job on essays--my main common app essay was pretty personal and revealing, hopefully that will pay off.</p>
