<p>Hello, I really want to go to Wellesley College, but the thing is, I am a male. Do you think Wellesley would know if I check on my application that I am a female?</p>
<p>If you are accepted and enroll you will have to have a physical and submit the results to Wellesley, at which case (assuming that all of your recommenders agree to lie for you, your test scores don’t reveal your true gender, you don’t have an interview, and you don’t show up to Spring Open Campus) you will be revealed. We appreciate your enthusiasm! But it won’t work.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, checking that you are female when you are not qualifies as lying on your application, which is as bad as misrepresenting your grades, extracurriculars or SAT scores and grounds for rescinding any admission offer that gets made. You would eventually be discovered, not the least because of the pronouns used in your recommendation letters.</p>
<p>I will warn you now that being male at Wellesley is not the novelty one might guess based solely on the info that Wellesley is a women’s college. Wellesley is neither isolated, nor a nunnery, nor is there a no-boys-allowed rule. While Wellesley does not grant degrees to male students, male students can, have and do cross register at Wellesley in a variety of ways.</p>
<p>There is the 12 COLLEGE EXCHANGE which allows you to spend a semester or year at Wellesley if you are a student at a select group of schools: [12-College</a> Exchange Handbook](<a href=“http://www.wellesley.edu/OIS/USStudy/12collegeexchangemanual.html]12-College”>http://www.wellesley.edu/OIS/USStudy/12collegeexchangemanual.html)</p>
<p>You may CROSS REGISTER at Wellesley if you are a student at MIT, Brandeis, Babson or Olin College. The largest number of cross-registered students are from Olin.</p>
<p>WELLESLEY SUMMER SCHOOL is coeducational. [Wellesley</a> College Summer School - Coeducational](<a href=“http://www.wellesley.edu/SummerSchool/]Wellesley”>http://www.wellesley.edu/SummerSchool/) Additionally, Wellesley professors will take male REU students, though participation in an REU has nothing to do with Wellesley and everything to do the research interests of the faculty member you would be working for.</p>
<p>also boy
I came to this thread to ask the same thing. You see, I love engineering, and I would give my left arm for the chance to go there and make a robotic one. </p>
<p>I hope all you Welleslyan girls know that you have the opportunity to study at MIT!!!
Especially the arts and engineering girls. Dont ****ing waste it!</p>
<p>Hey, I don’t blame you! Wellesley is an awesome place. :D</p>
<p>Yeah, they check. But they have surgeries for these things…</p>
<p>Other ways to get around this is I think they allow 2 guys per semester to attend. Like this guy: [A</a> lone ‘boy’ among Wellesley women - The Boston Globe](<a href=“http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2007/12/03/lone_boy_on_campus/]A”>http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2007/12/03/lone_boy_on_campus/)</p>
<p>Or you can go to Olin/Babson/MIT and take classes at Wellesley. Sooo to conclude, your solutions include:</p>
<p>1) Cross register
2) Try acceptance
3) Surgery</p>
<p>@Obesechicken: Yeah, I have yet to take a class at MIT, my friends from MIT are really trying to encourage me to do it, but we’ll see if I want to. I’ll try not to waste it, but Wellesley also has some very nice classes soooo we shall see.</p>
<p>what the crunk?? hahahaha</p>
<p>I like how everyone is taking this thread so seriously.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure this was a joke.</p>
<p>I thought so before I wrote my first reply, but every other one of the OP’s other threads were rather non-trollish.</p>
<p>My reasoning is that if the OP wanted to joke he would have done a much better job at doing it. He could have totally milked it by now, which he chose not to. Who knows? Joke or not, it’s an interesting concept to have guys attending a women’s college.</p>
<p>Epic fail.</p>
<p>Yeah, this guy’s a ■■■■■. There’s another post on the Mount Holyoke thread just like this one.</p>
<p>Oh my God!!!</p>
<p>Folks, I am so sorry this thread actually got here. You see, I am a boy, but I also have an older sister (undergraduate @ Wellesley :D) who came home for vacation one day and had some fun on her younger brother’s computer (which saves usernames/passwords). She joked about posting a thread like this, but damn, I didn’t know she was actually going to do that.</p>
<p>Yes, I just read these responses… I am aware of the time lapse…
My sister did this before I changed my settings to subscribe automatically to threads. I
never would have seen this if I didn’t check my own posts for the heck of it.
But still, </p>
<p>There is a boys-only Wellesley College in New Zealand:</p>
<p>Haha. Awesome! [Home</a> | Wellesley College](<a href=“http://www.wellesley.school.nz/]Home”>http://www.wellesley.school.nz/)</p>