I am accepted to UCLA, but I have horrible senior grades.

<p>So, I have kept a very solid GPA up to my junior year. (mostly A's with some B's) But, I ended up getting: English Lit/Comp (AP) - C+; Biology (AP) - B-; Physics (H) - C+; Microeconomics (AP) - C; American Gov/Pol (AP) - A; Chamber Orchestra - A. Let's suppose I did a lot better second semester (A's and B's) and submit the final report. Do you think I would get my admission revoked?</p>

<p>oh wow thats horrible u should be referred</p>

<p>In all honesty as long as u dont get a D or F or lower ur smester GPA below a 3.0 you’re fine</p>

<p>gosh, people these days freaking out for a C</p>

<p>i think my unweighted senior gpa IS below 3.0 though…</p>

<p>stay out of jail and pass everything and you will fine</p>

<p>if your unweighted GPA will fall below 3.0 you need to contact them now. It’s not going to slip by, they will see it when they get your final transcripts. If they’re going to rescind you then you’re better off finding out now while you can enroll at another UC instead of UCLA (assuming you applied to several other campuses); if you wait until summer, you’re going to a Community College if you get rescinded. </p>

<p>And if you act now you have more options, just like it says on the website you use to report the issue [UCLA</a> Undergrad Admissions: Admitted Students - Reporting Changes - Freshmen](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/NewBruins/Changes_Freshmen.htm]UCLA”>Reporting Changes as an Admitted First-Year | UCLA Undergraduate Admission) Maybe they’ll let you take a summer-school class and make things up, maybe they’ll say its ok. But the sooner you act (as in today) the better off you’ll be.</p>

<p>why would UCLA use <em>unweighted</em> gpa? It doesn’t make sense for the U of California to publish th +1 credit for AP and certain honors courses and then not count it, does it?</p>

<p>Your UC GPA is almost 3.5 for the courses you listed.</p>


Because they can :confused: </p>

<p>Both UCLA and Cal do this, the rest of the UCs don’t have this restriction. On the web page I linked to earlier it says to notify UCLA “If you received any D or F grades, or if your senior year unweighted GPA will fall below 3.00.”</p>

<p>mikemac… I think I know now why that is… a D or an F is not a passing grade, so there is no way to add the +1.</p>