I am confused with application

i am so freaking confused with this part of the application
this relates to my high school course selection</p>

<p>when it asks for semester/term- all my classes will be taken for a year. So should i put down academic year? My school goes by a 2 semester year. I am leaning towards having to put down fall semester and then doing it again for spring but that doesn't seem right.</p>

<p>And what is department name? Science? What?!?!</p>

<p>Thanks brosephs</p>

<p>For term, just follow logic:</p>

<p>If the course lasts entire academic year, list it as such. If the course lasts 1 semester, list it as such. There’s no reason that I can think of to list the same classes and indicate both 1st and 2nd semesters.</p>

<p>For Departments:
Generally = Science, Mathmatics, English, Foreign Language, Social Sciences, Fine Arts
You can usually follow the names your high school uses.</p>

<p>Hope this helps and good luck!!</p>