I am done here, people, being Fordham's Ambassador of Goodwill.

<p>Its been an honor and privilege helping promote the good name of Fordham University and all that it offers prospective students, admitted students. I have done my level best to provide accurate information as I have posted here for a few years. Often, my opinions are based entirely on anecdotal information, sometimes personal observation and sometimes just generic knowledge of the process. My agenda from the beginning was to assist those students and families most in need of information on this website, who often were on the bubble, or perhaps wavering with their decision to apply to Fordham, or accept an offer of admission. I gave of my time freely and without desire or interest in being compensated by anyone. I don't work for Fordham or College Confidential or any of its affiliates. I am not a professional guidance counselor or college admissions counselor or even a former college admissions officer. </p>

<p>While no opinion is perfect, I sincerely hope that I have provided a level of service to the Fordham family at large and to those students and families considering a superb education at Fordham University. If I offended anyone, I offer my sincere apology. If I was ever incorrect in my assessment, opinion or judgement, I offer my sincere and humble apology.</p>

<p>In my view, Fordham University is an outstanding Jesuit school and offers prospective students a tremendous opportunity to obtain an outstanding education and have an amazing experience along the way. Its not inexpensive and its not a perfect school. No college is perfect. </p>

<p>I wish all of you the very best in your endeavors and college search and sincerely hope that you keep Fordham University high on your list of possible schools.</p>

<p>Nocousin, I have read many of your posts; you were a great asset to both the parents and students involved with this forum. Thanks</p>

<p>u r quite amazine</p>

<p>God Bless you all this Holy Christmas season and during this college search season.</p>

<p>Thanks, Nocousin. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you.</p>

<p>for someone like me who visits the Fordham forum often, i have appreciated all your input. Happy holidays nocousin, to you and your loved ones.</p>

<p>I agree with everyone who has posted…
your opinions and knowledge of the school is greatly appreciated
Have a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!</p>

<p>I’m sorry to hear this! Your feedback was so helpful! Thank you for taking the time to respond to all the posts. I’m sure you helped a lot of people.</p>

<p>On behalf of a very grateful forum - parents, applicants, trollers - thank you for your sincere and heart-felt advice. You’ve made a difficult decision and an anxious time a little easier for many of us. All the best cuz.</p>

<p>You are all too kind to me. God Bless all.</p>

<p>seriously your posts provided wonderful input and you totally deserve the praise given to you on this forum.</p>

<p>so… i must have missed something here. can i ask what precipitated this departure??</p>

<p>You will truly be missed. I know that I speak for many people when I say that the information you provided was far more helpful than any college visit or admissions officer. Thanks for sharing all of your thoughts, opinions, and information that you have gained through your experience at Fordham and the entire college admissions process; your comments were very thorough and far from short. Thanks again! Merry Christmas and God bless you!</p>

<p>Nocousin you have done Fordham a great service and truly shed the light on what it means to be a member of the community. Your inspiring words and countless posts have given people a great deal of insight and hope. I truly appreciate everything that you have ever done and you have really made a difference in my college search process. I can’t thank you enough. Have a happy holiday and I wish you the best of luck in your future ventures. You will be deeply missed.</p>

<p>Nocousin, It saddens me that you have decided to leave CC. Your input has been invaluable and has helped tremendously in the college search process. I have truly enjoyed reading your posts and your obvious knowlege about Fordham has been so helpful. We are all sorry to see you go and hope you reconsider.</p>

<p>Well, being the lurking internet ■■■■■ that I am, perhaps I can “pop in” now and again. LOL. I really appreciate the vote of kindness and confidence. I heartens me that good people, particularly potential students at Fordham, have derived some value from my poor prayers. </p>

<p>I have been hanging out here for some time…a couple of years since the days when my D was applying to colleges and specifically when she was accepted at Fordham. And now perhaps its time for some new blood and some new perspectives and some other parents to voice their opinions and offer some assistance to dispel rumors and clarifying issues. Or just offer a voice of comfort and understanding in a very stressful time. And for those who “got in” congratulations, but now the real fun begins…and the stress of making the final choice, and then the waiting on roommates, selecting dorms, picking those first freshman courses, and dealing with move in issues and those first few weeks of crazy times “Its not Kansas, Dorothy!” LOL.</p>

<p>I wish you all the best. Support for those still waiting to get in, and for those who are there already, “Welcome to the Fordham Family. We ARE Fordham Family!”</p>
