I am looking for a college to transfer to in spring or fall 2023

Your college GPA will be an important factor when transferring, what is that GPA?

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To me this sounds like the right thing to do.

Life is not a race.


I am thinking what many others are thinking. If you can’t find what you want at SLC, please don’t make assumptions about almost any of the colleges you listed.

That is not Colorado College. Nor Smith, nor Bard. All are rigorous and you will be with pretty academically inclined students who are there to learn.

Yet you want something unstructured, as per your original post. You want less rigor. Finding both is extremely difficult. Your post is full of contradiction. You also claim to need structure, but that you want to learn at your own pace. Then you said

Please understand that it’s called EARNING a degree for a reason. You will not find a college that will let you do whatever you want to do and hand you a degree at the end of four years. I think it’s good you’re taking a break because it is clear that you don’t know what you want. I also get a real sense that you need a bit of time to mature. One day you will have a job and you won’t be able to just do whatever you want. Colleges have requirements for a reason and while you can find colleges that are less rigorous and less/more structured, you don’t get to do what you like.

Please do not apply to music school unless you are 100% certain you want to major in music.

I actually think the main issue here is rigor. You are at a rigorous school. You’ve completed your freshman year, correct? We don’t know your grades, but I’m guessing you at least passed your classes, as you talked about transferring credits. Why not try community college and then transfer? Community college is less rigorous and there will be less intensity.

I agree that some of the less selective smaller colleges might be good for you. Bennington is a good possibility. Maybe Evergreen, but I don’t know much about it other than it’s quite a quirky place. Lewis and Clark is meant to have a nice vibe. Maybe look into Lycoming, McDaniel, or Christopher Newport. Good luck to you.


As you figure out what’s next for you, perhaps consider The New School in NYC.

Many years ago I did some marketing work for Eugene Lang (the liberal arts college within the new school) and I think they have a flexible, nurturing curriculum and it might offer a vibe you like.

Good luck!


If you do decide to leave SLC, make sure to talk to an administrator so that you leave in a manner that will allow you to return, if you decide to. I know you don’t think that’s what you want to do now, but it’s always good to keep your options open.


Sounds like OP is not at SLC this semester

Check out Hollins. They have a great Creative Writing program. You may be able to transfer in Feb because they have a short January term.

Oh just saw this is from 2 months ago. Didn’t mean to bump and old thread. Not sure why it popped up in “latest” for me.

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Although you will still definitely have assignments and readings (not sure what college wouldn’t) I think it is worth looking into Washington College in Maryland. Their motto is “Do it all, do it here” So many students double major because they end up loving the different classes, but you certainly don’t have to if you want a slower pace of classes. Students start their own clubs and Student Interest Groups often. Very supportive community, collaborative. Professors really shine and are part of the community. My child wanted to do something very different than the school currently had, worked with professors, got a grant, and is not opening up something new at the school that has to do with her major. So a lot of openness to new ideas and professors who will help you create them (help with grants, etc). There is a museum on campus for the students to showcase their art, there are orchestras and bands and different types of dance clubs to join, and a Makers Union. The anthro major is strong (all of the sciences, writing, psychology, pre-law/pre-med are very strong, with business up and coming. The biology class goes out on the river or into the field often, and the student body is very diverse in terms of style of dress, music they like, hobbies, socio-economic status as well as ethnic background. They have a day trippers club that has gone to NYC, Annapolis, Philly, and DC. I am not sure about their transfer experience, you may need to join clubs (there are many and easy to join) to meet people as a transfer.

Also, as others have said, it may be worth taking a year to go to Community College to take several classes in different majors to find out what you love!

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