<p>But this is when my life did a 360.</p>
<p>My gc believed in me, she saw how bright I was. So she told me, she had an idea. I could apply for a program which is tought to get into, but you take all your high school classes at the local community college. ALL, not just some, but ALL. Most of the time, it's only for Seniors. But I got them to let me do it for my junior year!!!!!
My first semester: I got stright As!!!!!
My second Semester: As. and a few Bs. (In college there are proffesors who only give one A out a semester, espically since I was taking an art class, and let's just say I'm not DaVinci) </p>
<p>I'm now taking summer courses! And I will have my Crimnal Justice AD, in the spring!! At 18 years old before I get my High School dipoloma. i think that's pretty damn impressive. I turned my life around from Ds in high school to As in college, at 16/17 years old! On top of this, I was featured in a magazine article, which has circulation of 75,000+, as a Jewish Hero. (My article above which is separate from this was read in the Jewish Community in the greater area). I also take hebrew school, on Sundays and Thursdays. It's a really good program, it's like a full school day on Sunday and Thursday. I'm fluent in Hebrew. And I've been told, from the school that it really helps getting to college, the kids a year older then me, 150+ of them all got into good if not excellent schools (Alot of Ivies, BUs, NYUs and GWUs, WashUs.)And today, I found out I got a Social Action award! Which is pretty amazing, since it was from such a big pool of people. I personally got the DAs office invovled as well as the ADL, and my school got help from DA because of me!. We are also in a law suit with the school, but I won't go into that on public message board if your are interested PM to me.) I also have an internship at a law firm in the fall. I work full time in the summer. I'm volunterring at a substance abuse house for girls, later on this year. </p>
<p>I've turned my whole life around from nothing to everything. The reason for me wanting to go to Georgetown so passionatly, is the way my eyes have been opened by my exsperiences at the community college. I've heard stories and struggles of people's poverty of the injustices that have faced them. No one listens to them, no one is their voice. Kids who have lead lucky lives with money for whatever they need, and 1,000 dollar SAT courses, who have turned a blind eye to the problems in the world, or perhaps have never seen them in the first place, are the future leaders. And once again the voice of poor, working class, and middle class even is lost. I want to be the voice for my friends, and I want make things right or atleast try. For there are so many who have a lot to say, but no one can hear their voices. After I realized this, I realized that I was truly passionate about. And I feel like Georgetown more then any other school in the whole world would give me that push to "be the change I want to see in the world". And that's why, although I could probably express it better if it wasn't 12:53am...I want to go Georgetown so badly. As for my SATs..filled the bubbles in wrong. So embarrasng. Also had to do with the fact, that College finals fell at the exact same time. Ok on Essay, I got a 10. Went out of my way to AP Psych test, for fun pretty much this year, I had taken college psych in the fall and I wanted to see how I would do. Got a 3 on AP US if you were wondering, which isn't bad if you consider the hell of my junior year. Got a 620 on SATII US History. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart to whoever bothered to read it, I really appericate it!</p>