<p>Hello. Unlike most people who ask "Will I Get In", "Do I have a Chance.." I am not a list of numbers. If you saw my list of numbers, you would assume that I was insane for even thinking of applying to Georgetown. And with good reason. But things have changed, and I have story that defies most. Saying I'm an untraditional student is an understatement! I might not be as a good test taker as some of you, but I am bright and ambious in my own ways. I have overcome alot of struggles, but I have an undying passion for government, cultures, social action, and poltics. I am my self, and I am not scared of rejection anymore. I have smarts in a way that can't be charted on a standerized test or in a high school classroom. The late blossoms are always the most beautiful. </p>
<p>I really hope someone reads my story, I know it's long, but I'd reallly like some imput. Thank you so much. </p>
I decided to go to a very competive Jewish high school, 50+ miles away from my house. I got up at 5:15am to make a 6:36 train (Not only did i have reg. classes but 5 extra classes that I had just as much as the regs.) The school day ended at 5 everyday. I took the train home, and was home around 8 every night. Also, everyone was really acadimically competitive. I'm not kidding when I say, that I've heard comments like, "Don't go to Princeton, you can get into a much better school than that". I felt very out of place. Now would be a good place to say, I have learning disabitlies if it's not obvious already. The teachers there told me, that I would never be able to complish what my peers accomplish, even though intellectually and though-wise I was years above them. I was struggling with the distance and long days, and the snobby not-caring about the world elitest attitude these kids had. To make a long story short, I got Cs and Bs. and 2 As. </p>
<p>At this point I'm sure your thinking, "This girl has to be friggin insane and out of her mind, if she thinks she has a chance at Georgetown". Well it gets worse, </p>
Now, I live outside a city, however despite having higher taxes our school is on par with that of the cities school. Here's an overview of my school: Average SAT scores 908 (prechances), Dropout rate can be anywhere from 0.8% to 25+%. The class below me has a projected: 1 in 3 dropout rate. We have 3 APs. So to all you idoits, on these boards who are upset there schools only have 10. We also use the block system, which makes it impossible to take more then 2 APs anyways (and you can only take 2 with special permision). </p>
<p>My school also had an unwritten rule about not letting learning disabiltiy kids take honors and APs. I had to fight with all of my heart to get into my all honors classes, because it broke policy. And I had to fight with all my soul to get into my AP History Class.(The ironic part is that if you don't have learning disablities anyone who wants to can take any level class. So juvies with Ds and Fs could take AP English Comp. if they wanted to. But not people with learning disablities, who want nothing more then to learn and be intellectually stimulated.)</p>
<p>IF YOU WANT TO SKIP THE ABOVE WHICH IS NOT AS IMPORTANT AS THE REST, START HERE: There was very little diversity here, 1 Jewish Kid, 3 Africian Americans, 2 Hispanics, and 2 asians. in the entire high school.</p>
<p>Below is an except from article I wrote (rough edition, I don't have the edited one on my computer), this article by the way was supposed to be seen by 900, and by the end ended up being seen by 10,000+. It was read all around the area, and discussed at many meetings. This explains my exsperience at my school and is pretty much key to my story.</p>
<p>"...The jump from private to public schools has been huge. But the biggest difference was the most unexpected of all. Hatred. I'll never forget the first day of school. At an assembly the principal told us. I dont want to hear people say Jew, fag or gay but if you hear it. Dont complain to me about it ." I was like what? That makes zero sense. But soon things would be crystal clear. I walked down the halls. And everyone was. "That's soooo gay", "OMG this is so gay.". I couldn't believe that. I'd never really heard anyone use that before. Soon I began hearing "HEY YOU JEW! YOU OWE ME MONEY Nothing really happened to me personally until one day. I looked down n the desk which was pushed next to mine, there was a swastika, and underneath it said "Death to the Jews." The next day, I was sitting in class. The boy sitting near me turned to a girl and said Wow thats really ugly. The girl responded to him by saying, ,"I don't see any problem with it. I wore them too and you told me you liked them.", and he said, "Oh I don't really hate them. It's just that I hate the <strong><em>ing Jews." After, I told the principal about it. He ended up getting an hour detention ater school. Ironically, I got the same detention for being late once to school. Everyone at my school knows that the walls of the boys bathroom of my school have a Hate List, and a Fag list. The hate list has peoples names sometimes with comments written next to them. Ill never forget the day the African American kid inmy class. came back into class and said, I'm on the list again. And someone asked, Did it say your name? . And he said, I just knew it was me because it just said n</em></strong><strong> . I heard my name has been on the list too, (next to it said Jew.) Some of my really nice guy friends wont use the school bathroom anymore because they have been on the fag list just for being nice guys. I have found hate graffiti in Geometry text books including swastikas, andthat so and so is gay. At the end of the summer some people in town got arrested for having a neo-nazi group. A couple of the kids go to my school. When I learned this, I got scared. I was so scared, that I went to the police to talk to them about everything that had been going on. He was a wonderful cop, and very helpful. But that didnt take my fear away. I've also been told that the Holocaust isn't important to American history. I've been told a million times I've killed Jesus. I've been asked if it's true I ea pig's feet, and if it's true Jewish people celebrate Jesus death with an 8 day celebration. There are people who would talk to me one daybut the day after they knew I was Jewish they would ignore me. You can't sit in silence when this is happening. I HAVE TO FIGHT. I can't give up. I need to fight this battle. And not just at my school. I want to do this for everyone, not just Jews but other minorities as well You can affect people, you can. You can make a difference. And I can too." (my writing has improved alot in the last two years. that was pretty terrible, now that I re-read it). So basically, my life was a living hell on earth, I tried to consentrate in class but hate was all around me, it was suffacating me. And I was drowning in confusion and hopelessness. And because of that, my grades slipped without me knowing, I was getting 85+ on everything I recieved, and I'd just toss them into my bag/locker. I died, when I saw my grades. Cs, Ds and a B-. That's what I got. Including a D- in gym because I was injured and the teacher thought I had an attitude when I refused to work with the kid who called me a "</strong><em>ing jew". Terrible grades. So your thinking:"A sob story won't get her into Georgetown, and those grades </em> they are even worse".</p>