I am really confused on how the UCs and CSUs calculate gpa

So inputted my grades into both the rogerhub calculator and the calculator on the CSU official website and I got the same result so I thought it was calculated the same. But then a senior at my school (I’m a junior) said that her UC GPA was lower than her CSU GPA. So now I’m really confused, do the UCs calculate another factor into it or is it that same?

for most people they are the same.

The capped weighted UC GPA= The CSU GPA however Cal Poly SLO uses 9-11th grades in their CSU GPA so it is possible to have a higher CSU GPA for SLO vs UC GPA. All other CSU’s will use the 10-11th grade calculation. Also UCLA/UCB will use the uncapped UC GPA. The rogerhub calculator is accurate if you inputted your grades and extra honors points correctly.

what’s the difference between the capped weighted UC GPA and the uncapped UC GPA?

Capped weighted is a maximum of 8 semesters (4 year long courses that are UC approved Honors/AP/IB or DE courses) taken 10-11th grade. Uncapped would be an unlimited # of semesters of these classes taken 10-11th grades.