
<p>Today, I submitted my Middlesex application, and I made a mistake; I pasted in my ROUGH DRAFT for my essays.........
WHAT SHOULD I DO?????????</p>

<p>First DONT PANIC !!!</p>

<p>Second call the school and explain the situation. You are not the first student to do this and wont be the last.</p>

<p>It will be fine :-).</p>

<p>Look at it this way, they’ll get a chance to see your awesome editing skills and writing process. :)</p>

<p>I’d definitely call the school and explain. I don’t think this will worsen your chances or anything, as everyone makes mistakes :).</p>

<p>Yeah, i agree with everybody else, just call the school and explain the situation to them</p>

<p>BTW is this “Stella”? (I’m not going to use your real name)
if it is, this is “KC” (not my real name but what “stella” used to call me)</p>

<p>Thanks :slight_smile: I sent my essays to MX, and they said they’ll add them to my file :slight_smile: yay thank yoU!</p>