I am so confused about Hampshire's academic structure

<p>If you take a look at the Hampshire [Spiritual</a> Life](<a href=“http://www.hampshire.edu/studentlife/index_spirituallife.htm]Spiritual”>Spiritual Life | Hampshire College) web page, you will see the range of services and organizations for and by religious students. As with many things at Hampshire, many of the activities originate from students, as opposed to top-down from the college. And, many of the organizations are activist-oriented, as opposed to attending services. </p>

<p>My daughter was quite observant when she entered Hampshire, and she took part in services and activities with two or three Spiritual Life organizations. My impression is that some organizations/clubs are small but active, and provide strong support to students who want to be religious and/or observant.</p>

<p>I also think that in general the campus community is quite tolerant of those with strong religious beliefs, as long as they do not attempt to inflict their beliefs on others. For example, I don’t think an evangelist would do well at all on campus.</p>

<p>Hi there!
I am a 2nd year student at Hampshire. And I thought it would be wise of me to pass along some hopefully useful information about the school.
Hampshire is an incredible school. I would not take back these two years for anything in the whole entire world. And it saddens me that, potentially, I will have to leave next year because of financial reasons.
Socially though, it has been a struggle. When I entered the marvelous world of Hampshire I was not deep into video games or deep into circus . I was not into the party/drinking scene or listening to folk bands everyone around me was listening to either. (And please understand these are not the four types of Hampshire people that make up the student population…I just do not feel like it is necessary to write down the whole list).
I was (and still am) more into mainstream things. Not to say I am some look alike and act like preppy from Amherst…but I have found a person at Hampshire yet who watches shows like glee, gossip girl, or The Bachelor. Listens to music like Taylor Swift or Bruno Mars (oh the looks I get when people hear me blast that from my speakers in the dorms on a afternoon NOT during quiet hours :D).
I was not a loner these past two years. I did actively participate in the theater doing backstage work in shows And I have a few close friends, many acquaintances and people who I can talk to when I see them. But did I have oodles of friends who I can go out with every friday and saturday night making each weekend of mine always busy…unfortunately no. Do I wish I could somehow change that? Yes. But one of the many beautiful things Hampshire has taught me is to accept who I am. And why would I like something or want to change something in order to fit in with people?
College is not just about academics, it is also about a social life as well. So make sure that after you go on your tour, have your interview, go on your overnight, or go to your accepted students day…that you REALLY know that you not like…but LOVE the school. If you have any doubts, make sure they are answered before signing that deposit.
Hope this is somewhat informative/helpful!</p>


<p>Thank you so much for such a genuine and informative account of your experience! Will definitely think it through before I make any decisions. I too am a firm believer in staying true to who you are even if that makes you the majority or the minority. And I know it’s hard sometimes. Still finding my way as well. But I would just like to ask, was the community an open-minded one in your opinion? Did they give you your space and respect your interests? Of course I know having every single person you meet do so, is rather far-fetched but yea, was just wondering. </p>

<p>Also, on a side note, how is the phone coverage around the area? Any recommended phone lines? And has anyone heard of Solavei? It’s a prepaid unlimited talk text data plan. Wondered if it worked around Hampshire. Thanks. :)</p>

<p>Phone service is great, I live in Western Mass and if you would prefer a prepaid unlimited plan, I haven’t heard of Solavei- but we have plenty of options! AT&T and Verizon (major US providers) have their own versions of prepaid phones. A very popular option is Virgin mobile- you can find the plans online. </p>

<p>And, Hampshire rooms have landline phone jacks, so if you’d like to make long-distance calls, I read that you can buy prepaid calling card for those phones (you have to bring your own physical phone). </p>

<p>I hope to see you in the Fall!</p>

<p>Hi eelizabeth!</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply. You’re currently studying at Hampshire? Anyway, nice to meet you! :D</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. Oh! I was looking at Virgin mobile for their monthly pland as well and thought some of their deals were affordable. Still looking around of course. Trying to find one with an internet package. Are you sure Virgin mobile covers Hampshire? I was a bit unsure because I checked their website and they didn’t seem to have coverage around Amberst. I may be mistaken though. (Hope I am)
If all goes well for me, hope to see you around in fall! :slight_smile:
Thanks again. This is a great help.</p>

<p>I did not check Virgin mobile’s service, it seems like Solavei is a better deal. I am going to be transferring to Hampshire in the fall from a community college! I’m very excited.</p>

<p>I’ve forwarded a ■■■■■■■ of Virgin Mobile’s coverage to your other thread!</p>

<p>FYI, every room has wired (ethernet) Internet access. Most classrooms and public areas have wireless access.</p>

<p>Thank you guys for the help and info! Eelizabeth, oh I see. A transfer student. Exciting!!! :D</p>

<p>So, I will just speak in terms of myself…</p>

<p>Do I think people would agree…the community…with what I have to say? Absolutely not. If any prospective student were to ask any Hampshire student…they would say we are a 'loving accepting community…we love and cherish each person for who they are…you are never alone." But you dont know what life is truly like until you are a student. Until you are actually apart, experience, and live in the community.</p>

<p>And yes, people do give you your space and respect your interests. However does that mean tons of people want to be your friend…no. Like I said previously, when I entered Hampshire last year I had no previous experience dealing circus or gaming (one of the many hampshire norms as I explained before) and I dont party or drink/do drugs… Yes, I am apart of the theater but that only got me very good acquaintances. There is a life outside the theater and (even though it eats up most of my time) it was and still is hard talking with people when you didnt know the stuff they were talking about and/or they were not interested in the stuff you were talking about…if that makes any sense.</p>

<p>I have to say though, Hampshire is by far not a terrible school. It is a FANTASTIC school. The academics are superb. And I do feel like the classes I have taken at Hampshire have contributed to my growth and change as a person But like I said before, college is isnt all about academics…its about a social life too. And I think in regards with Hampshire, you should take it all into consideration…especially because of the hefty tution :(</p>

<p>Hope this is helpful to you @truecolours!! Please, do not hesitate to ask me any more questions :)</p>

<p>@littlepea123 thanks for the insight. I think you’ve made very very good insights and got me thinking about a lot of thigs and I think I do understand. It is true that I may never fully understand the situation until I’ve experienced it myself. I am stillfiguring things and yes, I do acknowledge that friends are a HUGE part of the college experience. I will still think and figure it out. Still am. </p>

<p>Hm. How is the international community? And just a random question as well, do all Hampshire students drink/do drugs/party?</p>

<p>Also, how big a part can friends you meet outside of Hampshire ie Umass, Mt Holyoke, Amherst, Smith play in your social lffe? But I guess this is a very subjective question.</p>

<p>Well, as you’ll hear most folks say…‘students drink and do drugs at any school’. Yes, Hampshire is no different. Do I think all Hampshire students drink/do drugs/party? Absolutely not! Some of the people I am closest to here do not take part in any of that. </p>

<p>At times though, I have felt (and this is because I have been to parties), that the only way to truly connect with people and make friends is to go to parties/drink/do drugs. No, I was never ever pressured to do anything… but I often felt very uncomfortable/an outcast in a way…because I wanted ginger ale instead of voldka or I didn’t want to snort up anything in my nose. As much as this is unfortunate, do I think parties are the ‘Hampshire way’ to meet people? After two years of being here, yes…I do.</p>

<p>The internationals are great! A group of kids more into there studies (and fun activities/events/clubs the school has to offer) and who are not into the partying/drinking/drug scene. One of my really good friends is an international student and I will be living in a mod with her next year, if I am returning to Hampshire.</p>

<p>I think If I were to have taken 5 college classes last year, I would most certainly be having a social life beyond Hampshire. Your first year/first semester they recommend no five college classes at al unless you are going to take a language. And then when your 2nd semester rolls around you can take 5 college classes…however I remember I was persuaded by my advisor to stay on campus…stick with Hampshire classes. My advisor told me that most first year students…even though allowed…dont take five college classes. And Im someone who listens to higher authority.
Now, as someone last semester and this semester has mostly taken her classes off campus (and is actually enjoying it)…I think I could have had some sort of social life if I had taken a class off campus spring semester of my first year. Then again, I think to myself, I pay money Hampshire… a majority of my social life and my time should be spent at Hampshire (if that makes any sense).</p>