I am so frustrated and confused...can someone give me some advises??

<p>I am so undecided on choosing my major...</p>

<p>I love to create things, draw and design things, and love to ponder things..</p>

<p>I am curious about Majoring in Architecture, but my college is not offering such a class.</p>

<p>I am currently studying Philosophy and find it very interesting and fasinating</p>

<p>but seems that Achitecture...or whatever about designing stuns me much greater.</p>

<p>However~ My friend who studies Architecture told me that you should think deep before you can tell you are sure to go for it, because architecture is not that simple</p>

<p>I study science subjects before like Chem, Phy Bio and scored good grades.</p>

<p>I once thought that my major will come from either 1 of them but as I study it more, I feel not liking them....most of them are just facts studying stuff and nearly no creativity at all...I lose all my passion studying them</p>

<p>I am confused and go astray now...can someone give me some advises?</p>

<p>by the way I am 17 now and jsut came from HK to the U.S for about 4months~</p>

<p>sorry for any mistakes made in my English ^_^</p>

<p>you don’t need to declare your major yet, do you? like many new college students, you sound really unsure due to the fact that you just haven’t tested the waters yet. keep taking courses in what seems most interesting. don’t major in something just because you feel obliged to; if you don’t like it, you’ll regret it your whole life unless you throw away your BA and head off doing something entirely unrelated.
you’ll figure out what you want to do, just give it some time. have you talked to an advisor at your school?</p>