For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be a nurse. I love the medical field, the idea of directly caring for patients, and have always had it in my mind to become a Nurse Practitioner. However, for most schools, I would have to apply directly into the nursing program next fall.
Suddenly, I’ve realized the nursing field may not be right for me, and am now leaning towards my backup major, Marketing. I like the idea of working at an office with normal work hours, studying and working with consumer behavior, and maybe even directing my creative side towards what I do. At the same time, I’m scared that finding a job in marketing is quite competitive, and I don’t want to work in sales.
Application season is coming up soon and I have no idea what path to take. Either I will apply to business school or nursing school, and I just feel completely lost right now.
have you shadowed a nurse or possibly worked in an office? have you taken any personality tests to see what would be a good match for you (they sometimes offer these in the counselor’s office or through an advisor) If your family knows someone working in these fields, you should ask if you can be an unpaid intern just to see what they do.
What made you realize that nursing may not be right for you?
There’s no reason why you can’t apply to a few of each - some direct nursing programs, some direct admit business schools, and maybe some universities that allow you to decide a bit later.