I am the last poster in 15 out of 20 threads in the cafe! congratulate me!

<p>I am the last poster in 15 out of 20 threads in the cafe! congratulate me!</p>

<p>what an amazing achievement.</p>

<p>Isn't it AMAZIIIING!!!!!!!</p>

<p>I feel amazing, because I'm amazing. I have nothing better to do with my time than post on here! woohoo!</p>

<p>Do you think it's AMAZING?! because I think it is.</p>

<p>capital letters look weird when close together. did you know that? I'm really bored, and incredibly hungry, and need to go study, but I don't want to. ER is on right now, but I ain't watching it, because the TV is halfway across the appartment. I can't wait for 5:30 PM that's in 2 and a half hours, because I'm hungry, and I want to get off cc because I'm making a complete fool out of myself. I don't even sound like a dental student any more, lol. I like dissecting frogs and taking pics of them and posting them on my facebook profile, which you would know if you were on my friends list. But if you're not them I don't think you'd know that. Does this post reveal how incredibly bored I am right now? I think it does. I have to end this post now because my dad is calling me and I have to get off cc right this second no don;t forget to post in this thread lots and lots and lots of posts lol because this thread will have 3000 posts, and in case you didn't know, the "this thread will have..." was my nivel idea. All you have to do to find out is to search "this thread will have 500 replies" and you'll get my thread. Okay now I really really have to go because my dad keeps calling and I have to get off but I can't stop typing I think this is a disease I'm not even making sense any more because there are no periods after the sentences it's just random rambling that makes absolutely no sense. </p>


<p>oops false alarm, I was just imagining that someone was calling which is really stupid because there's no one else in the house but me right now. I must be hallucinating or something. Don't you think so? because I do. How stupid and pointless has this thread become. Was it..um pointfull when it started or did it start out like this? because I don't remember what this thread was about. do you? now don't forget to post here because none of my threads are being posted in abd I think that by now you can guess why. I think that this is more than enough rambling for you guys to read, if you actually read anything at all, lol. so I guess that it's time I stopped typing because I need to go take a shower because I was at the university ampus today and I dissected frogs, did chemical experiments and played with some grass in the 116 degree heat, so I believe that I stink, lol. but I woudn't know because there's no one else in the house. Oh wait my ad just walked in through the front door and is talking to e but I can't hear a single work he's saying because I'm trying to type and lisen at the same time, now he just walked away and I don't know what he said, oh wait I think he said go help carry the bags in the car that's because they were at the mall and got lots of crap for us to eat later today...I think I hear someone else coming, yeah it's my mom and two brothers, yes it's them. look at that, they have all the bags with them so I don't think they'll need my help, so I'm going to stay here a little longer..no I won't because I'm tired.</p>


<p>I would, but I can't, 'cause you're not.</p>

<p>wow, just wow</p>

<p>amazing, isn't it?</p>

<p>reading that now, I feel really stupid. lol, but that doesn't mean I don't want 3000 posts in this thread :D</p>

<p>Well then. That certainly wasn't painful.</p>

<p>...That was amazing...</p>

<p>^ didn't I tell you? ;)</p>

<p>where are the 3000 posts people?</p>