<p>Who else is with me?!</p>
<p>That's a very awkward way to start a new thread, but I thought that I would give it a try :) .</p>
<p>I'm Becky! I'll be attending Tufts this upcoming fall semester! I'm transferring from a teeny tiny community college out near Plainfield (self-descriptive), Illinois. Four year schools are very foreign to me, but I hope that this will be new for everyone.</p>
<p>So! I hope that this thread won't immediately die, and I hope that other future Tufts transfers respond! I'll start by asking the first question!</p>
<p>1.) Has anyone received an evaluation of their transfer credits? I already contacted someone asking for an estimate and I haven't received a response.</p>
<p>Hey Becky,</p>
<p>Phil here, fellow Tufts transfer from NY, went to Penn State dropped out and few years later attended a community college in the Bronx after 4-5 years national service, education reform, and the Obama campaign/politics. I have been getting emails and I have read the transfer credit information but have not started (which is not smart). Congrats on your acceptance. Start on housing yet?</p>
<p>Yay! Someone replied! Hey Phil. Nice to meet you!</p>
<p>I’m having a hard time figuring out housing! Supposedly, we were given a link about orientation and such. If we are interested in staying on campus we have to fill out the Housing Survey that freshmen do… AND I CAN’T FIND A LINK TO THAT ANYWHERE! I don’t know if I’m challenged or what but I couldn’t find it anywhere.</p>
<p>Lol, that’s what I’m working on at the moment. Have you started looking into it yet?</p>
<p>Next week we should get more information about transfer credits. I’m a rising junior and my goal is to get the 17 max credits I can get
. I really don’t want to be behind half a year -_-. Hoping they’ll accept a few more of my community college credits. I got an estimate today and it’s around 12 credits. Not. Good. I’ll have to contact the history and english department to fight for classes.</p>
<p>How are your credits holding up? Or have you not looked into them yet? Lol, I just started asking questions today.</p>
<p>Were you looking at off campus housing? I’m looking into that on the side. I know a few juniors, seniors, and Tufts alumni who live off campus… but they haven’t offered very helpful information T_T</p>