I am trying to decide between Ursinus college and Drexel university as a biology (premed) major

<p>Any thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Of course, Ursinus has a very good reputation for sending its graduates to medical school. My daughter is about to finish her freshman year there and is a chemistry major with a bio minor. She is thinking about medical school but is not sure. I can tell you that we have very much appreciated the mentoring/advising she has received. She thought she would be a chemistry major when she started and was assigned to one of the chemistry professors. He had meetings with her and the other nine or so freshman who were assigned to him. At least during the first semester, he met with my daughter at least once at his request, and she has sought his counsel regularly regarding her future choices. We really like that about a small school. And, she is thriving academically. She placed into advanced chemistry her first semester and also took the first Bio class. Classes are small. typically no more than 25 or so. Anyway, I don’t have anyway to compare it to Drexel as far as medical school goes, but as I mentioned, many students go to Ursinus because something like 93% of its seniors who apply to medical school get accepted. Good luck! Drexel would be fun because of the City!</p>

<p>Drexel is a tough school. If you are looking more for nurturing and help to get the best grades possible for med school, I’d go to Ursinus. what are the cost ramifications? </p>