I applied for engineering, lets face it can i just get into the regular school!

<p>Ok so I got a 28 on my ACT and I am ranked right at the 25% for my high school for a very good school in state. I have played 4 years of golf/bball and 2 of baseball and some other little silly clubs/church things. I know that engineering is a long shot but how easy would it be for me to just get into the school and then hope that over the next two years a spot in engineering opens up?</p>

<p>Engineering–Not GREAT chance, but possible. Unless your school is really competitive 25% might be low. I know someone who got in with a 26 to engineering, although I imagine she was top 15% or so (I think after being deferred and wait listed) so I suppose there’s always a chance.</p>

<p>In the school–Almost definitely.</p>

<p>Ok thanks that what I was thinking. When I visited and talked to one of the ladies working a stand they said that if you dont get accepted at first wait a little bit b/c almost half the kids who get accepted decline because they have better schools to get into. Also I can hope to be that last kid in! I mean there always has to be that last one</p>

<p>Is the material science and engineering department hard to get into? I know there ranked number 1 in the nation which doesnt help my chances but it doesnt seem like a very popular major. Will it make any difference or am I screwed either way.</p>

<p>The MatSE department won’t be easier just because it is less popular. It is just a smaller department and can only handle a smaller number of students than some larger departments (like MechSE) to begin with. That said, I do not know how their selectivity compares with the other engineering majors. Most of them are pretty comparable when it comes to getting into the undergraduate programs from what I can tell.</p>

<p>wait so you can get denied, but then called back if there are spots open? isn’t that what deferred is?</p>

<p>I think you can get into the school but engineering is a reach</p>

<p>I did just that; I didn’t get in from high school so I went to a community college for two years and pulled good grades, and got in!</p>

<p>I’m now a freshman at U of I, last year I got a 29 on my ACT and was top 20% in my class and got rejected from BioEngineering but got accepted into Computer Engineering, so it all depends.</p>

<p>Bioengineering is extremely selective, they only take students freshman year (meaning you can’t transfer in)</p>

<p>Doesn’t mean you can’t minor in it.</p>

<p>Yup, a minor is possible of course.</p>