<p>The thread was deleted and my computer was messed up so I didn't see who replied. </p>
<p>So please does anyone here:</p>
<p>even </p>
<p>The thread was deleted and my computer was messed up so I didn't see who replied. </p>
<p>So please does anyone here:</p>
<p>even </p>
<p>Skateboard - Hell no.</p>
<p>Surf - Yes.</p>
<p>Snowboard - Yes</p>
<p>Rollerblade - Yes.</p>
<p>used to rollerblade</p>
<p>damn! who skateboards!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>hoke how long you been surfing and snowboarding?</p>
<p>Skateboard-I already told you about this Phil...I am not gifted.</p>
<p>Rollerblade- I used to rollerblade</p>
<p>I've been surfing since I was...like...9.</p>
<p>Snowboarding since about 13ish</p>
<p>cool hoke! Why don't you skateboard its cool!</p>
<p>I'm going right now with my home dogs to go skate bye!</p>
<p>no, it's not...</p>
<p>Because most people who skateboard look, talk and act like tools. I choose not to associate myself with the like.</p>
<p>Skateboard - A little bit.</p>
<p>Surf - No.</p>
<p>Snowboard - Yes.</p>
<p>Rollerblade - Used to.</p>
<p>Rollerblade- Hell yes! :]</p>
<p>tools????? well **** you.</p>
<p>Skateboard--tried it...I can ollie one try out of 10</p>
<p>Surf -- never tried it</p>
<p>Snowboard -- tried it, and my ass hurt for a long time. It was fun, but I'm better at skiing</p>
<p>Rollerblade????????? -- used to do it all the time a couple years ago, played roller hockey and everything. Then I grew out of mine and was too cheap to buy another pair.</p>
<p>Skateboard: Yes, and I am looking into getting a long board.</p>
<p>Surf: I used to body surf when I lived on the west coast</p>
<p>Snowboard: no</p>
<p>Rollerblade: no</p>
<p>along time ago???</p>
<p>Skateboard: yea (i used to do it everyday, not so much anymore), more of my friends longboard now, so i kinda moved to that</p>
<p>Surf: No</p>
<p>Snowboard: hell yea (i live in colorado, so it would be odd not to). i love it.</p>
<p>Rollerblade: before i skateboarded, i rollerbladed for like 4 years. i even went to camp woodward for it (that was a GOOD time!)</p>
<p>How much did you pay for your longboard?</p>
<p>:o, :(, :mad:, :eek:, ~$150</p>
<p>Skateboard - No. Half the people at my school that "skateboard" are posers.</p>
<p>Surf - No. (I'm in Michigan for most of the year, and Canada for the other part, not California lol).</p>
<p>Snowboard - Sometimes. I haven't since winter though.</p>
<p>Rollerblade - Used to. Not anymore. That's too '90's.</p>
<p>So you guys are going to tell me this **** ain't cool?</p>