I cannot believe no one's mentioned today's Zits (4/19)

<p>Don’t forget Jeremy’s older brother Chad is in college at Notre Dame, so they must have gone through the process! He was a star athlete and scholar so Jeremy doesn’t think he can ever catch up. Chad’s been in the strip infrequently.</p>

<p>That’s cool about Jeremy being in your daughter’s daycare, mommusic! It’s so obvious that Jeremy is modelled after a real kid, and I wondered how old he was in real life!</p>

<p>I googled the strip, and it said he’s officially 16 now. Some sources said he’s a sophomore, others a junior.</p>

<p>I don’t know about the energy thing - my son is just like Jeremy when he’s at home, but he manages to marshall his strength and run quite fast for the team. He’s all legs, just like Jeremy. He comes home with the funniest stories about how the cross country team gets lost, swims across rivers, runs several miles so they can jump in the ocean, etc. Such a goldmine of material for a comic strip!</p>

<p>LOL!! My daughter cut it out after she read it and pasted it to my desk for me.</p>

<p>This is going off to our GC as sort of a message that D2 is NOTHING like D1 was (college??? eh…) you have been warned.</p>

<p>So funny! Just sent it to my S.
Thanks for sharing.</p>

<p>I’d like to scan a Zits cartoon for our holiday letter this year… but it is so hard to decide which one. Each day is a new gem!</p>

<p>When our kids were little, I said the “Baby Blues” was the “Dilbert” of parenthood. (We used to think perhaps there was a Dilberty spy at our corporation.) But these days I say “Zits” is the teen parenting version of “Baby Blues”.</p>

<p>MaineLonghorn: Not only do I have dark, naturally curly hair (at least beofre the gray started taking over), but DH is also a dentist.</p>

<p>That’s funny, shellfell! Oh, I don’t count the gray, since I cover it so well! :)</p>

<p>I see that the strip’s creators agree with us that Fiske is an essential resource. :)</p>