<p>On common app, I completed the Supplement (submitted offsite, and you can't save this for future reference), and it said I submitted it, and then I submitted the application 10 minutes later. Now common app tells me that I've submitted the application but not the supplement (already I've done the supplement TWICE, kind of getting annoying). Then it says that I have to submit the fee on the wustl website, but I can't find WHERE to pay. Does anyone else here have this problem? I emailed them and I will talk to them via phone tomorrow, but was wondering if you guys could tell me where to submit the fee and whether WUSTL has received the supplement even though common app says it's not complete.</p>
<p>they received the supplement…commonapp is just trying to help you out (even though it is confusing).
also, after you apply to WashU, you will get an applicant ID and then you can pay using that.
yeah, i had a lot of trouble with this also…</p>
<p>Thanks a lot, you cleared it up for me, I was a bit confused. Will I get the ID via email, or regular mail (they’ve been sending me a lot of stuff throught he mail, like two entire common applications and three supplements as well as a ton of stuff about how their university is so great)?</p>
<p>via e-mail</p>
<p>I got my ID via regular mail after I submitted the pre-application data thing supplement ages ago. Maybe you can choose how you want it but I know I got mine via regular mail.</p>
<p>well…i actually had a prob getting mine and i called admissions. they claimed they sent it via e-mail, but they had not (i save all my WashU e-mails). they resent it via e-mail that day…</p>
<p>I’ll wait for it then, but just to make sure, the Scholarship Application has to be turned to the Guidance Counselor that sends all your parts, right?</p>
<p><a href=“http://admissions.wustl.edu/SiteCollectionDocuments/ScholApp08.pdf[/url]”>http://admissions.wustl.edu/SiteCollectionDocuments/ScholApp08.pdf</a></p>
<p>Can I submit this online?</p>
The scholarship apps can be filled out online from the same place where you check your app status online: [Application</a> Status](<a href=“http://admissions.wustl.edu/appstatus/Pages/default.aspx]Application”>http://admissions.wustl.edu/appstatus/Pages/default.aspx). I forget at what point the option is avaliable, but it is after you submit the pre-app and may be as late as after you have submitted the common app. It evens knows which ones you are elgible for.</p>
Is the pre-app data sheet/supplement all there is to the supplement? On the Application Status page they list “Essay” as one of the many requirements I haven’t fulfilled yet, but is that WashU’s own essay, or the CommonApp one?</p>
<p>commonapp one.
all you need is pre-app/supplement, commonapp, and payment.</p>