I can't believe I sent my photo in!

<p>Alright, I attached my photo already and it's been mailed....but!!! It was a photo printed on poor quality black and white printer...crap...it doesn't look that bad but it made my skin look dark...u dun think it's gonna affect their decisions rite? bec i sent the photo in bec i didn't look bad but it's poor quality printer....i only did this bec brown said it was optional so i did it for cornell too......crap, should i send in a color phto?</p>

<p>gah. i am dying here.....crapcrapcrap, i asked my parents y they didn't go to office depot and print it color..gawd. and they said it doesn't matter, if they accept u, they will, nothing to do w/photo.</p>

<p>craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppp helpplz.</p>

<p>If you wrote that way in your essay, I think the picture would be the least of your worries..
If that's not how you wrote, then I don't think the photo will matter at all.</p>

<p>LOL rightwing</p>

<p>you wont be rejected for a photo. If it was a photo of you streaking through your high school's homecoming game, maybe.</p>

<p>why send a photo in the first place?</p>


<p>maybe if you're a borderline applicant, your sexiness will get you in . . . :p</p>

<p>Lol. There's a rumour at my school (among the boys, obviously) that girls get a minus for being pretty in the admissions interview for my school - thus explaining why those that are here so not hot.</p>

<p>sending a photo makes them remeber u out of 20000+ applications its a good idea i sent my senior year photo a professional copy not a printer copy</p>

<p>I doubt it makes that much of a difference.</p>

<p>hehehe...i'm glad i din't send my photo...its not exactly pleasing to c a guy with HUGE spectacle and with -6.7D power at the age of 16...hehehe</p>

<p>Wait...I can send in a photo with my application? I'm definitely doing this! But how do I do it if I'm submitting my application online?</p>

<p>stick it in with a teacher/counselour rec</p>

<p>Okay, thanks!</p>

<p>won't it look very odd to have a photo of urs in a teacher recco...
btw how does the photo make a diff to ur chances of gettin thru a university</p>

<p>From my perspective...colleges want good looking people roaming their campus...because then again who wouldn't. Why else would they ask for it? And if you're good looking...go for it..I'm doing it. Maybe one of the admissions committee people will find you attractive and want to give you the thumbs up ;-). haha</p>

<p>parikhs, don't u think colleges look to build intellectual communities rather than a community which would catch the eye of ever passer-by for the wrong reason...:D</p>

<p>An intellectual community w/ looks...not just geeks you know ;-).</p>

<p>yeah...but looks aren't ur passport to intelectual have u know ;D</p>