"I can't believe I survived that" weeks

<p>Have you ever had a crazy week that was so packed that you can't believe that you survived it?</p>

<p>Last week for example. Organic chemistry lab exam on monday and 5 page paper due, pop quiz in history on tuesday, organic chemistry lecture exam on wednesday, anthropology exam on thursday, and organic chemistry lab on Friday. I barely had time to breathe!</p>

<p>This week isn't as bad, I had 2 exams in my LA classes. But next week is spring break!</p>

<p>my hell week was this week (right before spring break):
comp sci midterm monday
poli midterm tuesday
french (francophone studies) midterm wednesday
french (linguistics) & women’s studies midterms thursday</p>

<p>that’s worse than during finals weeks…needless to say, i definitely went out last night when it was finally all over. haha</p>

<p>Hell weeks suck. There were too many “2 Group project due on Wednesday, 2 Midterms on Thursday, Paper due on Friday” type weeks in my college career.</p>

<p>I do not miss that aspect at all. I think the worst, surprisingly, is having the group projects during hell week. It’s really a nuisance when you’re in a group with someone who wants to meet when we could’ve completed everything by e-mail. We do not need to meet for 2 hours to discuss the aspects of our project that we e-mailed to each other already.</p>

<p>The upside of all of this…is the catch-up sleep that follows. It’s amazing.</p>

<p>This week was miserable, but at least finals week can’t be any worse-- the same amount of work but without classes!</p>

<p>Monday- 2 exams
Tuesday- 8 page paper, 2 page short response paper
Wednesday- exam
Thursday- 5 page paper, 8 page paper
Friday- 5 page paper</p>

<p>What exactly is Hell Week?</p>




<p>can i transfer to your school? ;)</p>

<p>Eevryday of my life, every week of my life</p>

<p>is like “I can’t believe I survived that”</p>




<p>I’m not actually in college yet, so forgive me my ignorance. -.-</p>

<p>^ I’m not in college but right here doing volunteer service in Rural communities sure is a hassle.</p>

<p>My daily routine is like this</p>

<p>Monday-Saturday wake up at 6, go to school at 7, get out by 4,</p>

<p>-1st two hours are either seminars on today’s medicine, or like a seminar about what we need to do on Friday and Saturday in the community
-2nd, 3rd, 4th hours are theory classes so we know what to do, sometimes, we go to hospitals to learn stuff (1st aid, advanced and basic maneuvers, how to reanimate someone, etc.
-the last few hours are either labs or practices (practice what we learn on theory)</p>

<p>-Fridays and Saturdays are usually the days we go to the rural communities.
-Last week we went to give out polio vaccinations in the outskirts of the city… IT WAS LONG, just imagine, going door-to-door asking if the house has children, then if they’re under 5, check their vaccination documentation, and then apply two little drops of polio vaccine to them. and children are all scared of vaccines, and yell and cry and all that.
Last week, I was out 6 hours with my brigade and we only got 13 kids to vaccinate.</p>

<p>And that’s pretty much every week, the “weekends” are killer, they have no meaning to me anymore, there is only “sunday” and that day I sleep and or study.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, and monday-friday I have swimming training from 5-6, and then after dinner I go study/CC</p>

<p>It’s KILLER</p>

<p>trust me, ESPECIALLY when it’s time to go to what I call “front-lines”
Sometimes I feel like I’m one of those “Save the children” commercials…</p>

<p>Yeah everyone has hell week during midterms or finals.</p>

<p>But what about hell DAY. How much work have you had to do in one day before?</p>

<p>One of the worst: 10 page research paper on a very obscure topic concerning Ancient Rome + plus annotated bibliography of 15 sources. Start time: 1 am on the day it was due; due time: 1 pm that same day.</p>

<p>This was immediately after researching and writing a 6 page court decision on a yet-to-be-decided Supreme Court case, writing from the perspective of Justice Scalia, during that same day prior to 1 am.</p>