I checked off the box of NYu Abu Dhabi, but I ended up not applying...

<p>I checked off this box on my Commonapp, but I at last didn't submit my supplements for NYU Abu Dhabi. Is it going to hurt my regular NYU application process and lower my chance of getting in?</p>

<p>just call in and say you accidentally checked the box and didnt mean to</p>

<p>Is it too late to do it now?</p>

<p>I just realized I did the same thing…</p>

<p>My guidance counselor or I will have to contact NYU about it then. Ugh.</p>

<p>better late then never right? just make sure you sound really sorry and pitiful. say something like you were anxious and looking over you app and realized the vital mistake. though idk how vital it really is. good luck</p>