<p>I dropped out of college. I stopped going just short of graduation, and got straight Fs for the semester. I'm currently living on my own burning through my savings. I'm not supported by my folks except to the extent that a large part of my saving came from them originally. I suppose its a game of chicken. If I don't get a job, I don't eat, and I'm a malfunctioning program, because humans are just selfish-gene survival machines designed to ensure that chemical information in DNA survives and is self-replicated. The thing is sometime along the Darwinian process, critical thinking proved beneficial for one ape over the other. And for 99% of the population it is a pure benefit to the gene's goals. In my case though the monster has turned on the frankenstein creator. I'm just not motivated to work in this economy. I'd rather just mooch of my parents as long as possible and after that the deluge.</p>
<p>I'm just not going to act from any self-preservation. I'm not willing to take conscious action to struggle in the Darwinian struggle for existence and reproduction. Of course females prefer men with a job, and so-called independence. (Although I enjoy the maximum possible independence short of Walden, my only master is the ticking clock, so perhaps "independence" is not the admired trait afterall?) It is pointless to begrudge the mechanical genetic programming of Dawkin's survival machines. The ape-rapist best able to secure resources passes on its genes. There is nothing "conscious" about it. It is simply a tendency most likely to be preserve. If one is to be anthropomorphic one can call such behavior "cruel" or "sadistic", but it is simply a natural tendency to be preserved, even in humans. As Hume said one can not get ought from is. At first I was mystified by the human obsession with sex. For a long while I took a Calvinistic Puritan view that valued the reproductive values of sex against pleasure. Only a biological view, that it was indeed the genetic motive itself that produced such sex-cruelty made it comprehensible to me. So I'm pretty dismissive of the idea that a girlfriend offers any solution to metaphysical despair. Although I understand the genetic origins of such reasoning.</p>
<p>Which is insecurity, employment under the at-will principle which means I can be fired for any reason whatsoever, including doing anything whatsoever, including doing too good a job, filing a complaint, being a Dolphins fan, any reason whatsoever so long as it is not sexual or racial. That is independence? That is the definition of dependence, living at the whim of a master. Now the only thing that makes Choice A free, is Choice B, the option to opt out. But how real is Choice B? This all thread is about Choice B, and not one considers it very real. My postmodernist epistemology is that power is truth. So without making any attempt to find things as they objectively are, I would agree with the truth of power, that the free-market serves DNA. This is what the sociobiologists like Dawkins, Pinkard, Wilson, and Red Queen assume. Of course in the workplace it is precisely the primordial DNA of the caveape-rapist's sadism that is allowed to assume its natural form. Considering the cruelty inherent in man's DNA, it is amazing that for so many centuries man was able to mask his demonism under such heavenly rhetoric. Now the mask is thrown off. We have the most cynical rhetoric of any generation in history, yet in-spite of ourselves this is perhaps the gentlest time in history. Perhaps we slander ourselves with all the chest-pounding of how proud this age is of its cruelty and sadism. If human nature DNA is what Matt Ridley's Red Queen says it is, then Levin is of course right in saying that our current age is most in line with DNA having stripped away all beautiful noble lies. Why did man bother to come up with noble lies? In our current age, in what little remnants that remain, it is clear that it serves simply as a supplement to physicalist hedonism, another pleasure to be enjoyed. Is that the same purpose it served throughout history? Perhaps. Darwinian economist, Veblen showed how religion is a form of atavistic tribal hierarchy used to demonstrate status. If Veblen is right about religion it could also serve as the Darwinian-sadistic basis of all forms of virtue. But that does not mean there are no independent praiseworthy acts of virtue. Philosophy is also a creation of the selfish-gene and yet it can turn against is creator.</p>