I could use some advice

<p>Hey all, I have a quick question.
I have a 4.0 overall GPA. My SAT's are Reading - 620, Writing 630, math 570 (I'm retaking the sat's). I'm Student Body President of a 3000 student school. The position is like a full time job. It is heaped with responsibility. I'm involved in other clubs and NHS. But Student Body President thing pretty much takes up all my time. (I've been in Student Government - which is a class -all four years of high school. I was Junior Class President last year.)
I have great recs.
Wondering is a recommendation from the Principle is a good idea besides academic references?
Because my high school is competitive I am only in the top 20% with the new way of scoring (I would have been 10% according to the old rules)</p>

<p>I was Pre IB for 9th and 10th grades. The reason my my GPA isn't as high is because in the beginning of my 10th grade, my family moved from Arizona to PA. My 17 year old brother died the same week - he was killed in an accident! So I only did 6 months at the PA school and then moved back to AZ to finish my school years back at my old school where I knew people. (We had never been to PA before) My essay explains that is why my GPA dropped to 3.6 at that time. I've taken all honors and AP since.
So, what chance to you think I will have to get in?
Any suggestions?
I am interested in Broadcast Journalism.
I am graduating from an Scottsdale, Arizona school, but my mom and I are moving to PA (where my dad has been since taking a new job right before my brother died!) so staying on the east coast seems like a smart move, and Florida is warm!
All advice is welcome!
Thanks <em>smile</em></p>

<p>I forgot to add, I am a 16 year old female (I'll be 17 soon)
Senior, I'm active in clubs I started at the school plus STUGO. I do volunteer work also. </p>

<p>Unweighted GPA 3.540
Overall GPA 4.0</p>

<p>As a Freshman -
Student Government
Pre IB English H
Pre IB World Hisotry H
Algebra (I know, I suck at math, but I got an A)
Biology IH
Spanish 2</p>

<p>10th grade - in PA
Media 1
American Government
English H 2
Integrated math 2
Chemistry 1
Spanish 3

<p>10th grade in AZ
IB English
Student Government
Pre IB AM/AZ History
Chemistry 1
Spanish 3</p>

<p>11th grade (Rest in AZ)
Student Government (Junior Class President)
Psychology AP
English 3 Honors
Alegebra 2
Human Physiology & Ant. AP
Spanish 4</p>

<p>12th Grade
Student Government (Student Body President)
Pre IB American History
Humanities H (English H)
Visual Arts
Econ Honors</p>

<p>I won't need financial aid.</p>

<p>If my chances look poor for UM, what other schools do you think I may have a chance at? I'd prefer a warmer climate and it must be on the east coast.</p>

<p>Thank you everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>I'd be somewhat surprised if they rejected u. u seem like a really strong applicant. Raise SAT some is the only advice i can give, but even that is within Miami's range. You're in... i wouldnt worry about it</p>

<p>Thanks. <doing the="" happy="" dance="">
I'm not looking to get into an Ivy, I'd just like to get into a decent college.
Anyone else have any suggestions on where I could get in that has broadcast journalism? Something that also has a film school would be cool. <em>smile</em>
East coast or IL or IN, Ohio....</doing></p>

<p>Syracuse: Newhouse School of communications...Not sure if your GPA is weighted or unweighted and their av SAT's last year were 1300 (I think).....</p>

<p>SOrry, I see your GPA...Looks like a decent match; they really want to see interest and passion in your EC's and essay.....</p>

<p>I've heard about Syracuse. Great school, however, I'm not usre I'd be able to handle all the cold weather. As far as EC's, I'm Student Body President of a 3000 student school. The position is like a full time job. It is heaped with responsibility. I'm involved in 5 other clubs (VP of 2) and NHS. But Student Body President thing pretty much takes up all my time. (I've been in Student Government - which is a class -all four years of high school. I was Junior Class President last year.)
I have great recs. <em>smile</em>
Thank you for your honest answer. I hope I did better on the math this time around on my SAT's.
My essay is pretty convincing (it describes how I handled my brothers death the same week we moved across country. I wasn't going to use it as a subject matter, but I think he'd be proud.)</p>

<p>I got a 620 in math! Yay! I've got all mid 600 scores now! Woot! Woot!</p>