I did not accept the admission by May 1st

<p>and i would still like to attend VA Tech! </p>

<p>What are my chances of them letting me still accept the admission offer? Its only 10 days after the deadline so I'm hoping they will let me in! </p>

<p>I shot them an e-mail today and i will have to wait for their reply.</p>

<p>Does anyone know their policy on such matters? What are my chances?</p>

<p>Any help would be great</p>

<p>I would call the admissions office. They are very good about helping and answering questons.</p>

<p>Second the calling. If you are serious, why wait for an email? Call and let them know now!</p>

<p>Yeah i called them and they said it as too late. </p>

<p>Does anybody know if i can defer my admission to the Spring semester? </p>

<p>I have sent them an e-mail and i will be calling them tomorrow.</p>

<p>In the mean time, if anybody has any experiences that could help me out, please post them as it would be much appreciated.</p>

<p>Why did you wait until now?</p>