I don't get the mybills page

<p>Hi I’m an incoming freshie and I’m confused with the mybills website. I checked right now to pay for my orientation fees and I see under the my account tab amount due: 5k blah blah and estimated fin aid: 8k blah and amount due including estimate aid: 0. Under the ebills tab my current balance is 4k. So how much is this exactly asking me to pay? I’m rlly confused help meee</p>

<p>Mine’s doing the same thing, and someone else (also a freshman, I think) posted about it too. I think it’s a case of the bills still processing or something, considering the fact that the total amount due doesn’t seem to include Student Housing fees in your guys’ cases. Don’t quote me on that, but that’s what I’m gathering from what I’ve seen.</p>

<p>Edit: I just checked mine again, and they changed the overall amount due within the past 24 hours. So yeah, looks like it’s just not entirely ready yet. You should get an email to your Davis email when it is.</p>

<p>Just wait for the bill to come out.</p>

<p>Thanks guys :D</p>

<p>If you get full aid then nothing, otherwise there will be a $ amount to pay. If it is a negative amount, the school will pay you that much (this happens when you get a lot of aid because they don’t expect any contribution from you).</p>