I dont like chance me threads, but i am really lost as if i have a shot or anything

I have no idea if i can get in or anything so someone let me know what the chances are looking like :slight_smile:

Intended Major: Mathematics (Applied or Pure idk yet)

GPA: 4.0 (Weighted school doesnt do unweighted… weird ) with upward trend and taking harder classes every year
Taken AP Calc AB AP Government and im taking AP Stats and AP Physics right now

SAT 1310 Reading and Writing (660) Math (650)
The math score was no where i wanted it or thought it would be. I have always excelled in Math and its my strongest subject but I basically messed it up. I plan on retaking it october 7th going to try to actually do good on the math section (never been good on timed tests i get too much anxiety and mess up lol)

ECs: 9th and 10th I did a Teen advisory group which was i helped design a teen space for the county library with other kids and helped organize some game nights and stuff.
“Friendly Giants” which is a child mentorship for troubled kids.
Going to try and join tennis and scholastic bowl too.

What is it looking like so far guys? and what do i need to bump up to maybe guarantee admission

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