I dont understand why I got rejected from CSU Long Beach with a 3.55 weighted GPA???

<p>I just got rejected from CSU Long Beach yesterday and it saids that they have to reduce 20% of freshmen admission rates and that I did not meet their competitive admission requirement. CSU Long Beach was my first choice of college, now I don't know which college to attend next. I'm choosing between CSU Northridge and Woodbury University.
I was really hoping that I will get wait-listed for CSU Long Beach, but a rejection letter was a surprise and unexpected. I got a weighted 3.55 GPA and unweighted 3.3 GPA, but I only scored a 17 on my ACT. I guess its also because of my low ACT score. </p>

<p>My dream is shattered...I REALLY want to attend CSU Long Beach!! =/</p>

<p>Why did you get rejected? Because colleges look at you as a whole and not solely as a GPA! Your ACT score is incredibly low, although an average for the nation. ECs? Leadership positions? Anything to make you stand out? Probably not.</p>

<p>CSULB is really weird this year. many people at my school applied there and UCR and received a rejection letter from CSULB but acceptance into UC Riverside. It makes little sense since UCR is a better school but I guess CSULB is really cutting back.</p>

<p>I know that my ACT score is really low…I took it the first time and got a 15 and took it again with a 17 and by the time after that, there wasn’t anytime left to retake it for the third time. CSU’s does not look at your EC’s or community service hours and they do not require applicants to write an application essay. Therefore, they ONLY look at your GPA and Test scores. According to last years admit stats, many individuals with a 3.5 GPA or higher and receive a score of 17 got accepted. I believe that I do deserve to get accepted because really CSU’s admission stats are no where compared to UC’s. As long as applicants have a 3.0 GPA or higher, they are in good standing.</p>

<p>I think ACT score is part of your problem, it’s really low.
Also, there are students who meet school stats and get rejected… like students who don’t meet school stats and get accepted.</p>

<p>what do you mean by school stats??</p>

<p>^Like the required stats or the stats of students who have been accepted by the school…just because there are students who got in with a 17 ACT and 3.55 weighted GPA doesn’t mean you necessarily will, if that makes sense.</p>

<p>Ohh I see…</p>

<p>what about where you live? Don’t they give priority to students in their catchment area?</p>

<p>17 on the ACT is about 1260–1310 on the SAT range… its a low average score for Long Beach… however, my friends have got into CSULA with similar scores. </p>

<p>I think the regional preference thing may have worked against you…</p>

<p>I live about 1 1/2 hours away from CSU Long Beach, so I dont think that is a reason why I got rejected.</p>

<p>I see… then I have no idea why…</p>

<p>Yeah, but I would keep in mind… every student probably would like to know why they get rejected from a certain university, but it’s really hard to completely know why. Looks like it could have been your ACT, EC’s, Location etc… or maybe your where competting against a prestige student body.</p>

<p>Did you apply to a certain college within the university, one that may have been more rigious?</p>

<p>Yes, I applied for the College Of Arts at CSU Long Beach. I think that college is pretty competitive, since the art majors at CSU Long Beach is huge.
Probably it is my ACT, but I still got accepted to two other CSU’s with a 17 on the ACT. I don’t think its really low for CSU’s, its definitely really low for UC’s.</p>

<p>A 17 ACT is ~ 830, just if you’re curious.</p>

<p>Shrinkwrap is probably correct. This year with the cutback in the number the CSUs are accepting, they are giving priority to those who live within commuting distance. I guess with the economy they are trying to make sure they are in reach financially for most. At CSU’s the vast majority of the price tag is room and board, those who live at home can attend for very little.</p>

<p>In addition, the state schools in all state are expecting many who would have gone to private colleges because of the economy. I’m guessing they probably accepted fewer overall expecting a greater yield because of these 2 factors.</p>

<p>Lots of kids will not get into CSUs and UCs this year who would have sailed in in years past.</p>

<p>How do you find out which high schools are within which CSU’s enrollment area?</p>

<p>it reads "freshman applicants that graduate from high schools in a CSULB-defined local service area ".</p>

<p>Found it</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.calstate.edu/acadAff/codedmemos/AA-2005-05.pdf[/url]”>http://www.calstate.edu/acadAff/codedmemos/AA-2005-05.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’m in the same boat. My weighted gpa is 3.53 and my non-weighted is 3.32. My ACT score is 18, yeah I know it’s pretty low, in fact really low compared to some people. But what bothers me is why? Why did CSULB reject me? (i just got the rejection letter today) Was it because I put nursing as my major? I know it’s competitive. But I took ap classes and passed most of the exams, I’m the only one is my AVID class that’s taking calculus AB. Overall, I’m the only one that in AVID that took 3 ap classes last year and 4 this year. And some of my peers in AVID got accepted…WHY? I don’t understand. I’m kinda depressed now. My only hope is Cal state Fullerton.</p>

<p>Of course I could transfer to CSULB, I’m fine with that: save more money. But I’m just bothered by the fact why I got rejected. Was it also because I sent my application 2 days before the deadline? Possibly…who knows. I will be satisfied once I have an answer. My dad told me that it was because I wasn’t good enough, and who knows, that may be the answer. But I would like a legit answer. </p>

<p>Good luck to us all :slight_smile:
Peace :D</p>

<p>It could easily be because you are not in the local service area. For many CSU’s, you need a much higher than average eligibility index if you are outside of the service area, or for an impacted program or major.</p>

<p>Within extremely competitive majors, they often only let a small number of applicants through. I’ve known a student with decent scores and grades and AP classes and such who got rejected from this school two years ago because they only accepted 30 Psychology majors, and while she was qualified for the school, she didn’t make the cut for that selective of a group.</p>

<p>Things happen, schools get impacted, majors get selective. I wish you luck on whatever you choose to do next!</p>