I eat when I don't want to do my homework

<p>...and it has had drastic consequences</p>

<p>HAhahahhahahahhahahah I was about to laugh when I saw the title and then I saw it was you and I just cracked up and I’m still laughing hahahahah</p>

<p>anyways, me too :(</p>

<p><3 ya poze</p>

<p>Yay, I want to join the club.</p>

<p>Although, for me, it is usually eating when starting a paper. I know what I want to say but don’t want to start actually writing it, so I get up and eat something as a convenient excuse to wait.</p>

<p>I do this too. Whenever I am dreading to do something, I do something semi-productive so I don’t have to feel guilty for lazing about. When I should be studying or doing homework, I instead read, clean my room, eat or shower.</p>

<p>hahaha eating is not productive! but it’s sooooooo yumz
but i take showers all the time before homework, telling myself that it will wake me up
but alas, all it does is make me sleepier.</p>

<p>omg…i do the same thing too…i go downstairs and find a snack, then in every way possible procrastinate my work…:P</p>

<p>Its just another step on the long road of procrastination. Idk why I just said that but yes, I snack too much lol :]</p>

<p>so, fat and/or hypertension thread?</p>

<p>Uness, of course, you eat healthy stuff, which no teenager I know does.</p>

<p>I’ll be working on a project going, “Constitution, Constitution, hmm…OOOH we have cookies!”</p>

<p>haha this is such a funny thread!!</p>

<p>nah. It keeps me awake. So does music, but an LCD screen is best, except its usually the computer with internet and I often find myself here @.@ At this very moment I should be doing a term paper… and other HW… but</p>

<p>If I do homework, I have to eat. LOLOL. Thankfully, my metabolism is… alright. It’s not fast, but it’s not slow. Phew.</p>

<p>I also have a very bad habit of starting homework at 11PM. Yeah, I don’t know why. I know I can start earlier. All my classes are relatively easy, so I just procrastinate.</p>

<p>Ha ha, eating is just an excuse to procrastinate. Then after your snack, you become sleepy.</p>

<p>yea…same here …lol i just realized what a big procrastinator i am =O CC serves another excuse for my procrastination</p>

<p>for example:
i was just planning on doing my UC application
when i went downstairs to go eat a mango bar
that turned into taking a nap
and i have yet to start my application</p>

<p>Oh me too, I’m totally hearing you on this… But I try not to eat much the rest of the time. When I lived in dorms, it was real terrible, I ate a lot of junk. At home, there’s not much food available ad hoc, it’s like bread, biscuits, or the highway.</p>

<p>but i love carbz!!!</p>

<p>I eat chips every time I do Math homework.
" I do my equations with my right hand and write criminal names with my left hand. Then I take out a chip AND EAT IT!" - Light Yagami from Death Note</p>

<p>^ Like that.</p>


<p>so the reason my account name is “eating food” is because, whilst not doing my homework, I decided to procrastinate by making a CC account and eating.</p>

<p>One year and 236 pounds later, I’m sitting here in front of the computer at 2:52 and I have yet to do my homework due first period tomorrow :(.</p>