I failed my first year of college. Do I get a second chance?

<p>I failed my second semester at UIC (I got all C's first semester) & was dismissed from the university. So...what now? </p>

<p>Do I try community college for a few semesters and see if I can salvage my GPA, or am I pretty much done? If I somehow do succeed at community college, do I even have to send colleges my transcript from UIC?</p>

<p>Stats: 34 ACT (math-31, reading-36, science-35, english-35), National AP Scholar (6 5's and 2 4's, and 50 credit hours earned at UIC before I started), AATG German Study Trip Winner. My HS GPA was abysmal--I failed a bunch of classes, but UIC admitted me anyway because of my test scores. No extraordinary extracurriculars. </p>

<p>I don't know where to go from here. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks.</p>

<p>Go to CC for two years.</p>

<p>Ace every class.</p>

<p>Show this dramatic turn of events in your application to college again. </p>

<p>BAM you’re accepted.</p>

<p>All Cs is not failing. All Fs is failing. I don’t see how you could be dismissed because of all Cs.</p>

<p>I wasn’t dismissed because I got all C’s. I got all C’s FIRST semester, and I failed EVERY class I took SECOND semester. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.</p>

<p>What’s the issue, you’re obviously intelligent. Are you slacking or perhaps there’s another issue?</p>

<p>Go to community college, get decent grades (You don’t need all As), obtain your AA while making sure you’re getting credits that will allow you to transfer, and then transfer to a four-year college. Plenty of people have done this.</p>

<p>If the problem is something like depression, alcohol abuse, lack of self discipline, etc., you’ll need to address that problem before going to community college or community college will probably be a repeat of your previous college experience.</p>

<p>Do you have a hard major? Engineering? Your AP scores are very good, so you are obviously smart. I second the suggestion to go to community college for a few years, build your confidence back and then transfer. I wonder if you can retake those courses are replace those Fs. Good luck!</p>

<p>To me the first step is to ask any school you are interested inattending what you need to do next to be considered in the future. For exampl, go to UIC and say I understand why I got the boot, I’ve learned my lesson, what do I need to do to get reinstated. I would guess they’ll want to see some CC work … but that would be a guess … why not ask them directly?</p>

<p>Northstarmom is absolutely on target.</p>

<p>The only thing I’d add is to work carefully with your advisors at the community college in selecting your courses. If you enroll in a guaranteed transfer program, you will be automatically admitted as a transfer student at the cooperating college or university provided you complete the required coursework with the required GPA at your community college.</p>

<p>Wishing you all the best.</p>