I failed my french class , what now ? :(

Hi there
I failed my french class in the first semester of school with a D grade… it was really hard since my english was not even good enough to start (I regret it so much now T_T)
right now I’m retaking it on a P/F bases, according to my school grading policy, once I passed the course, the previous GPA remark will be removed

I’m a international student, so this is considered a elective for me. How bad would this look on my transcript for transfer out ??

btw right now I’m on my 3rd semester , I plan on transfer for next fall… I have all A and B in my other class…

You did not fail the class. You earned a D. Even though it might not seem so to you, there is a big difference.

It would have made more sense for you to re-take the class for a letter grade. If you managed a D then, surely you would have at least a C this time around.

well at this point I just want to protect my GPA without risking it… since it’s a 5 semester unit course, If I take it on letter grade and get a B , it would still affect my GPA a lot

You will need to ask your target institutions about their policy about P/F courses. It really is OK to ask about that.