<p>Thank you for understanding. I’m sorry if I said anything disrespectful or offensive. I felt very uncomfortable posting that, but I hope you understand. They are my parents, and I wanted to stick up for them. I’d also like to thank you for your support. :)</p>
<p>OP, you are a great kid. Your parents are soooooooo luck.</p>
<p>I haven’t read the whole thing but one basic point to keep in mind is that real failures don’t ever feel like they’ve failed. Your self-awareness in itself is the mark of someone with great potential and an inner need to excel. Go ahead and take the risk of believing in yourself and fighting for the future you want. What can happen? Only good things.</p>
<p>Honestly, I’m not trying to flame anyone, but isn’t this the Parents’ Forum? What is the proper protocol for posting here? I certainly wouldn’t dream of posting on the ‘High School Life’ board. Perhaps a student’s question might be better answered, in a less (perceived) threatening way, from a peer?</p>
<p>The Parents Forum welcomes posts by students who are respectful and welcome parents’ input. Consequently, it can be a good place for students to post who don’t have adults in their life who are able to give them informed input. This board isn’t for students who are here to complain about CC parents or to lecture to parents on CC.</p>
<p>Thanks, Northstar. Is High School Life similarly welcoming of parents?</p>
<p>DadII, that’s very nice of you to say. To be completely honest, though, I can definitely be a handful.</p>
<p>Mimimom, I understand what you’re saying, but I posted here so I could specifically get advice from parents. I could have told my friends had I wanted advice from my peers, but I think the parents, as experienced adults, were much more helpful than teens my age could have been. </p>
<p>Northstarmom, I hope you didn’t think I was lecturing/complaining! That wasn’t my intention at all. I’m sorry if it came across that way.</p>
<p>Esoteric, you’ve been using this board very appropriately, and have been very tactful and courteous.</p>
<p>No, I agree that Esoteric has been appropriate- sort of whiny, but that is certainly part of the age issue! I hear it at home all too often… in the end, Esoteric, just do what makes you happy and be done with it. I can almost 100% guarantee that if you are happy, your parents will be happy as well.
Thanks for clearing up my question, Northstar. Off to High School Life to test the waters! LOL!</p>
<p>I’ve very occasionally posted on H.S. life, mostly when I’ve been reading it, but have forgotten I was on the h.s. life board, not another board.</p>
<p>Once in a while, though, I’ve deliberately posted when a student had a serious problem that I felt needed adult input. No one has ever complained about my making such posts.</p>
<p>I think that, however, in general the board members there prefer that it be for h.s. students only, which is understandable to me.</p>
<p>The students who aren’t wanted on Parents Forum are the ones who create threads saying things like, “You parents are all terrible for being on CC and forcing your kids to study all of the time so they can go to Ivies.”</p>
<p>This is an internet forum, anyone is welcome. There are parents who behave more like kids sometimes. Age doesn’t always give someone wisdom.</p>
<p>Actually, anyone isn’t welcome. Rude people aren’t welcome. ■■■■■■ aren’t welcome, and young people who come to this forum to complain about how horrible adults are in general aren’t welcome by most people on this forum just like the H.S. forum wouldn’t welcome adults who go there to tell teens how bad they are.</p>
<p>The forum is called “Parents Forum” for a reason.</p>
<p>Wow, I think we’ve bashed about enough here. Esoteric, go have a great life. Sounds like you are at the point where you realize that your parents are terrific but not perfect – which is an excellent place to be. </p>
<p>I’m glad you posted here. You have helped parents here understand what burdens we sometimes place on our kids, even as we mean well and want the best for them. </p>
<p>It can help (for ALL of us) to lay out a tape measure on the floor. Measure out 80 inches (average life span for an American is about 80). When you look at a life time line, you see that the space between 18 and 19 is really a very small piece. Some huge stuff happens (college choice, graduation, start of college life) but it really is a very small piece of an entire life. Seeing that, I hope, can help students and parents alike be a bit more easy and a lot more patient and kind as the Application to Acceptance period passes. Good luck!</p>