<p>Next week is going to be hell. I have newspaper deadlines by Wednesday(missing about 5 articles, so Mon-Weds will live in the newspaper classroom), AP testing (hours of cramming required), and a HUGE math test that I HAVE to do well on (right now am bordeline A/B, and need a A, so I need to study for hours and hours)...Plus getting Confirmed....And all the EC's I have to to keep up with...and a whole bunch of other things I don't want to think about now. </p>
<p>The more I think about everything I have to do the more stressed I get. </p>
<p>How do you guys deal with stress? I'm tearing my hair out here. Do you guys do yoga or something? I dunno, I just feel awful thinking about everything....want to be calm, but don't know how. Advice?</p>
<p>That really sucks, I know what it’s like. I had one of those weeks last week, I had so many deadlines to meet, so many tests and quizzes, and on top of that I had to keep out with work and make-up working from missing school for almost a week. </p>
<p>To deal with stress, I like to take naps or just stay somewhere really calm and quiet. Also I like to take my mind off what’s stressing me out and just do something else for a while. I like to think about things I’m excited about, like where I’m going to go over the summer.</p>
<p>I feel the same way. As a result it’s progressed into an anxiety disorder and I have a scheduled visit with the school psychologist. But I usually just nap, read and listen to some music to help me unwind. Yeah, it sucks feeling overwhelmed all the time.</p>
<p>just take it day by day man… only focus on the short term things. For example, if you have a test on tuesday and one on wednesday, only start studying for the tuesday one. Then, once that is over, go all out for the wednesday test…</p>
<p>Talk with my friends. Laughing and just joking around really helps. Even if it’s for a few minutes. I don’t have like any time right now to take a 3 hour break to go shopping or see a movie but I occasionally call my friends between studying. It realllly helps.</p>
<p>Sleep also helps. Calms your nerves. When I lack sleep…I can freak out about anything. </p>
<p>Umm mint! Tea! Gum. Whatever helps. I looove eating mints or chewing minty gum when I study. Listen to relaxing music. I usually hate slow music but it helps me calm down.</p>
<p>And take things one step at a time. Don’t focus on how much you have left to do…just focus on what you’re doing right now. It reallly helps with the stress beacuse you’re not constantly thinking about the pile of crap you have left. </p>
<p>Good luck 
I’m pretty stressed right now myself. But at this point, I’m just like…kid, try your best. That’s all anyone can ask of you. If you slack off, that’s your problem but as long as you keep trying, it’s all good.</p>
<p>Take it a step at a time. Remind yourself that you WILL get through it. This time next week, things will be easing up, and I don’t think anybody’s ever died from pre-graduation AP testing and school projects.
Even when there’s not time for sleep, MAKE IT. Sleep will help you relax and function more efficiently. Avoid making more threads like this one and refreshing for responses. :)</p>
<p>My IB tests start this week. It’s basically insane, but I’m going to make it. I won’t be happy about it, but I’ll get through it. Making some mandatory fun time helps too, but has to be kept practical.</p>
<p>Think about how relaxed you’ll be after you’re done with everything, and remember your life isn’t over if you fail a couple tests. Just think about the days ahead . . .</p>
<p>you’re not too far off the mark,
crying is actually a good way of dealing with it
good luck on your tests</p>
<p>yeah whenever i’m stressed i just cry</p>
<p>but good luck on getting through the week</p>
<p>I had a week like that last week (the week that ended yesterday). It was tech week, so like 25 hours of ballet and two performances, I had to memorize all of calculus for a test, I had the SAT on Saturday, plus my other ECs, etc. etc. And of course, I had to start studying for the upcoming AP exams. So I know how you feel.</p>
<p>But it was legit fantastic. The amount of stuff I had to do forced me to organize and prioritize. I stopped messing around on the computer and watching the Daily Show/Colbert Report hour. I just worked worked worked. I listened to songs about calculus (my teacher made us a CD) instead of regular music, I studied backstage in between dances. It seems to me that once you get to that week everything works out and afterwards you’re like “what do I do now?”</p>
<p>Yep I have a week like that. I was out of school at a trip to DC last week so I have 2 AP tests, 2 projects due, 2 finals, a make up test on top of making up all the assignments from last week. Oh and I have to start self-studying for the AP Macreconomics test. But after that it’s graduation so I guess the night is the darkest before the dawn.</p>
<p>thanks for the advice, I’m feeling slightly better now…It’s just I have soooo much to do, I’m just overwhelmed.
But thinking about one thing at time is helping, like when I actually started studying for math I wasn’t able to get stressed at the same time…and listening to music did help a bit.</p>
<p>The way I deal with stress right now is really bad, basically</p>
<em>nibbles on chocolate</em>ican’tdothisican’tdothisit’stoohard<em>eats cookie</em> WAH!!! <em>cries</em>… hmm…what’sonTV? Oh****,I’mgoingtofail!!!WAH!)</p>
<p>…a combination of crying, binging on junk food like crazy when I study, and procrastinating…I really need to work on my stress management.</p>
<p>The way I deal with stress is by procrastinating everything. Terrible habit, I know.</p>
<p>Well know that stress isnt good for you, so stop stressing. Hmm… maybe treat your stress almost as if it’s an enemy, so how do you go about letting the enemy get the best of you? Stop stressing, put stress mode behind.</p>
<p>Don’t be afraid to cry, even if you need to do it privately.</p>
<p>Also, sometimes it can help to just bury yourself in work for a little bit. If you can get a few things done quickly it can make you feel a lot better about the workload.</p>
<p>another way to deal with stress
is you make a realistic plan
of exactly what you’re going to get done when
and even if you don’t follow it exactly,
just having a plan helps you relax</p>
<p>Mhm. I think everyone covered things quite magnificently. I don’t really have much more to add, but I have to say, create enjoyable, low-stress ways to simply accomplish it all :]</p>
<p>You’d be surprised by how creative you CAN be–like somebody mentioned, a calculus CD with music to study? That’s quite unique and, is most likely, quite successful!</p>
<p>I would suggest that you insert a bit of time for sports. I am serious. It will relieve stress (there’s some biology here, and I won’t explain it) and makes you happy (insert more biology here). It serves as a cute break and will get you energized/focused to get back to studying, etc.</p>
<p>That’s about all that I know. Another thing that I do do, however, is to pace sleeping–I’m not much of a sleeper, but I find that if I sleep 3, 5, or 7 hours I’m energized. If it’s 6 or 4, I’m not. So yeah, you could try to figure out sleeping what sorts of hours helps you?</p>
<p>Allow the panic to come – spam, run in circles, scribble, &c.</p>
<p>Eventually your mindset splits, and one part of you observes the other scribbling; perhaps the `rational’ self. This usually comes after some time, assuming you have not gone completely bibbididdilioodili. Then, calmness presides, and strength is returned. With this strength you surmount those obstacles which you have envisioned to master.</p>
<p>Drink green tea and take a nice shower. Trust me, it works! Calm down try to look into positive things in the future. Birthday? Summer? And think about how once everything is done with you’ll be able to enjoy yourself. Oh and shopping helps to! :)</p>
<p>I was right to be stressed… I took my math test today and I think I failed. I am soooo STUPID. I studied for hours and hours, and did so many practice problems. Plus, I was quite liking this chapter, and I thought I was doing good…well i was WRONG. I took the test, and everything went blank. It took me a full 2 hrs plus Lunch, and I still hadn’t finished like five problems. So I guessed on them, plus I wasn’t sure about a bunch of others. The test was only out of 22, the teacher doesn’t allow retakes…I’m so screwed. I must be an idiot or something, after studying so much, and I still can’t do it. </p>
<p><em>sob</em> Now I’m REALLY crying. I feel worse after I finished the test.</p>
<p>Wow, I really can’t do math…grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.