I feel like dying......

<p>So I just got my Subject Test scores back........and they're bad. REAL bad.</p>

<p>I already had my solid 800 in Literature :)
A god-awful 740 in Math II (but hey, I'm no math geek, and they know that)
and.......a <700 in World History. Well below 700.</p>

<p>I'm crying my eyes out.</p>

<p>Will these three scores, when seen as a group, keep me out for sure? 800+740+..........</p>

<p>I just threw up :(:(:(:(:(</p>

<p>Maybe try standby testing for January? I’m not sure, if you are Asian, they might like the fact that you are better at English than math.</p>

<p>Oh, please… don’t be so dramatic. 740 in Math II??? Get a grip! If that is upsetting you so much, then you will have a very hard time when you begin to get rejection letters. Which will definitely come. But you will also get acceptance letters. Life is what it is. You are probably a fine student, and you need to understand that you are not perfect. No one is. Most schools only need two SAT IIs, and you have two fine ones. Just get on with it.</p>

<p>^ Princeton, however, requires 3…:(</p>

<p>and no, I’m not Asian, amciw hahaha</p>

<p>ouch -_- haha woooooot 780 math 2 :slight_smile: 800 chem! :smiley: godded</p>

<p>With the Ivies, no one or two things will keep you out “for sure” just as no one or two things will guarantee admission. Actually no 20 or thirty things will guarantee admission because of the highly selective and quirky nature of the admissions process at these schools.</p>

<p>The admissions commitees of the elite schools, including the Ivies, consider many factors. </p>

<p>I hope you are feeling better.</p>

<p>Stop complaining, those scores are perfectly fine. If you’re crying over low scores now, you’d really be crying when you get to Grade-Deflation Princeton.</p>

<p>^ uhhh… I’m not really sure what MSteve is talking about, because your World History score presents a rather profound issue. </p>

<p>In the long run, is your score terrible? Probably not. But will it cause adcoms to pick kids who maintained 700/750+ on all of their subject tests? Probably. </p>

<p>Honestly, I think that your 800 and 740 are great. You should definitely try to retake/take a new subject test in January.</p>

<p>Good luck hookem!!! (:</p>

<p>Actually, that’s not really that profound of an issue. Just retake it or take AP World History in May and study really hard. If they see improvement, and a better score than the SAT, it wont really matter. They’re looked upon better than SAT IIs. </p>

<p>AP > SAT II</p>


I stopped reading the rest of your post after I came across this line. You’re a sad person.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about it at all. People around here put way to much stock in SATs, SAT IIs, APs, and ACTs. Standardized tests for any competitive school is just an indicator, not a significant factor as long as the rest of your application is strong.</p>

<p>Your math score is god-awful? Come on! But I do feel your pain for the history one. Take amciw’s advice and try to take the SATs again. And if you do get the chance to redeem yourself on that day, do NOT freak out. OK? you will be fine. and it’s not the end of the world if you don’t get accepted. just chillax.
How about take US hist. that test was pretty easy.</p>

<p>The math II scoring is just funny.</p>

<p>I didn’t answer like 8 questions. 800. I laughed lol. I was really unexpected. I thought it meant I couldn’t get an 800 no matter what. Ignorance isn’t bliss.</p>

<p>Biology I thought was funny too. Guessed on about 6-7 questions. 800. lol’d again. But At least I didn’t leave some blank.</p>

<p>And lit I expected an 800 so that’s different.</p>

<p>Same with SATs. I left 2 writings blank and still got 2400</p>

<p>Wfcxcopperx: I don’t usually like dissing people on the internet but no offense, you are really not helping. What the heck is your point anyways? If you want to brag, go brag somewhere else. You should learn a tid bit of tact. With your attitude, no matter how brilliant you are (and don’t tell me all you’ve said was that you are lucky, because no one will buy it), if you don’t learn a bit of humility and continue to be as arrogant as you are right now (at the expense of someone else’s misery, which pss me off), none of your top schools will want to accept you.</p>

<p>To the OP: don’t mind Wfcxcopperx. You are going to do great :slight_smile: Best of luck!!!</p>

<p>Seriously shut up ha</p>

<p>hookem - u are teh confident you’re gettin in anyways eh? ahha from that post on the quick takes thread it seemed so lol - gl man</p>

<p>Mod note (l0 characters)</p>

<p>Hmm… Are you guys getting this upset… Over an internet forum board…?</p>

<p>Fact is, I got INCREDIBLY lucky. Leaving 8 blank on math 2? Filling in 6 bubbles last second? You can only get 8 missed I think anyway to get an 800. It was just pure luck, and I didn’t deserve it. Nor did I deserve the 800 in writing IMO.</p>

<p>I didn’t find me being obnoxious anywhere, nor did I mean to be. Nor do you know me in person, and if you did you would find I am quite a humble person, and by no means do I ever brag under any circumstances unless in competition with my brother.</p>

<p>Fact is KitKatz, I was just posting a lucky funny little story. The whole post had already been solved. I’ve seen hookem post before, he has the stats as it is, and everybody already told him the solution: take another test come january. He’s obviously a bright kid who has JUST as much chance, probably more as a matter of fact, of getting into harvard; he merely had one bad test, seeing how the 740 in Math II is viewed the same as an 800.</p>

<p>Guess what? If those 6 problems I had guessed on ended up being wrong I probably would have been way under a 700 (I have no idea how curve works on SAT IIs, whatsoever.) Fact is, the SAT is 30% luck. I don’t think I could break 700 on an USH right now, and nowhere was I putting down or attempting to hurt or humiliate hookem. Fact is the kid knows he has the stats and he can get a good score on the next test. He posts on the Harvard forums, kid had the highest GPA in his school in history, val (obviously, he has highest GPA! =]) and outstanding SATs.</p>

<p>Have you ever heard that colleges like this don’t care about the difference between 2300 and 2400? It’s because it’s luck at that point. My first SAT I got 760 on math… ONE problem wrong. And 2 wrong on CR, which is 740 or something. A 2300 because of three problems, which easily if I guessed right I would’ve been perfect score. The fact is, it IS about luck, we all know that, and I accept that my scores were lucky.</p>

<p>I just don’t see how you got quite this upset over a message board over a quick little reply. Sorry for any inconvenience (especially to you hookem, definitely wouldn’t wanna offend you =]).</p>

<p>“I just don’t see how you got quite this upset over a message board over a quick little reply.” & “I was just posting a lucky funny little story”</p>

<p>Wow. To think I credited you with at least a bit of tact… </p>

<p>You are definitely not one to criticize us for getting upset because this post is first of, started by hookem. I don’t care if you think you are not bragging. The truth is, this is a freaking internet forum and with 3 people who commented after you and all 3 thought you are bragging, then that obviously says something…</p>

<p>Can you really blame us then for “misinterpretating” you? </p>

<p>“Guess what? If those 6 problems I had guessed on ended up being wrong I probably would have been way under a 700 (I have no idea how curve works on SAT IIs, whatsoever.) Fact is, the SAT is 30% luck. I don’t think I could break 700 on an USH right now, and nowhere was I putting down or attempting to hurt or humiliate hookem. Fact is the kid knows he has the stats and he can get a good score on the next test. He posts on the Harvard forums, kid had the highest GPA in his school in history, val (obviously, he has highest GPA! =]) and outstanding SATs.”</p>

<p>And Guess what? If you had only said this, maybe you wouldn’t come across as arrogant and still express your point. Why didn’t you just leave it at this? Why did you have to put up all your oh so lucky scores all of which are perfect? Your claim that you were just lucky is just pure self-defense, but that could be seen through so easily. Any person with sense know that if you didn’t want to brag, you wouldn’t put up your scores on this post where the OP just received horrible news about his scores even if he knows what he needs to do. </p>

<p>“I was just posting a lucky funny little story”</p>

<p>Wow, you must have a sickening and twisted sense of humor. Because when I read it, I just wanted to throw up. What I got from your oh so hilarious story was how inconsiderate some people can be. </p>

<p>Also, just as you are criticizing me for condemning your actions because I obviously don’t know you, how are you one to speak for hookem that “Fact is the kid knows he has the stats and he can get a good score on the next test”? How do you know? Do you have telepathetic powers? Has he even posted on this forum telling you that “haha, you are so funny, I don’t care if you rub your stellar scores in my face right after I got my not so pleasant scores back”? Just as you claim we don’t know anything about you, you don’t know anything about hookem. Therefore you can’t justify your actions by using him as a shield. I wouldnt even do what you just did to my best friend let alone a complete stranger on the internet if I wanted to help.(fyi, I did read his post in the Harvard forum too)</p>

<p>And don’t tell me you are thick enough to think that your post is making him think that he will get as lucky as you, because you will just be fooling yourself. </p>

<p>Lastly, I never said you were trying to hurt hookem. Arrogant people don’t even realize that they are hurting other people when they are trying to make themselves look good because they only care about themselves. That’s the simple truth, so I’m not surprised that you didn’t think you were hurting him. </p>

<p>PS. I am sorry though for attacking you personally though I can’t help myself at this point. I don’t usually do that. I was just pssed for obvious reasons.</p>

<p>Umm. Please relax. Honestly. You’re really getting this upset… over an internet forum…</p>

<p>And yeah, maybe I made it sound like I meant to brag. It was 4 in the morning, I hadn’t slept in the last day, and I was doing Spanish homework when I had to get up at 9 to tutor a friend. Fact is I was tired and my friend procrastination factored into the mix so I logged on here and made a quick post.</p>

<p>I think the fact that I left 8 questions blank and when time was called I filled in six answers is relevant to the fact that I got an 800. If it was a 700, that’d be more believable since I guessed and you would figure I’d get that. But to get an 800? I’m merely pointing out a flaw in the SAT system, hence “funny” story.</p>

<p>And exactly kit, exactly. You’re simply proving my point. This is an internet forum, and you’re getting way too upset.</p>

<p>How do I know he can get a better score? BECAUSE OF HISTORY. He did outstanding on all 3 subjects of his regular SATs, he has 5’s on 3 AP tests WITHOUT TAKING THE CLASSES, and he has 2 SAT II subject tests he did outstanding on.</p>

<p>I hold him in a higher position of esteem than you do. I trust him to get a good score, based on FACTS of how good of a student he is, while you question his ability to do so.</p>

<p>You realize how funny you’re making this? I posted two sentences, and you’re questioning my sense of humor as “sickening and twisted”. That’s not even the funny part. YOU WANTED TO THROW UP FROM IT. TWO SENTENCES. That made me smile.</p>

<p>I’m sorry if I didn’t feel the need to write a five paragraph essay justifying myself in my first response, you apparently overshoot the importance of an 800. If I had said I guessed blah blah blah and got a 700 you’d be fine with it I bet. But because it happens to be an 800 in a MAJORLY flawed system, and luck had EVERYTHING to do with it, you make a big deal about it. On ANY GIVEN DAY I could’ve gotten a 600 or an 800.</p>