I feel like highschools a joke

<p>I hated it.. Was more of a social event to me than a place to learn.. Instead of seeing books and tests I saw scrutinizing teachers/administration and materialistic/judgmental students.. Came to the conclusion early that it was set up to be beneficial exclusively for students that were aiming for IVY league regardless of whether or not doing so would severely limit their social lives. Otherwise I saw it as a waste of time.. so I dropped out with like, 6 credits? Partied my ass off for a year.. Got my GED... Took a semester at a community college. I'll be attending the same university next semester that most of the better students in my high school are, on time. One girl, whom I looked up to for her dedication and who graduated with a 4.0 GPA and SAT scores in the 2200 range, is going there.</p>

<p>I mean seriously??</p>

<p>If I had dropped out at 16, I'd have 2 full years of college credits by now
I'd be taking my SATs at 18 with 2 years of college under my belt</p>

<p>Assuming my transcripts and SAT scores looked nice, I could transfer to most any college in the country.. not only that but if the credits transferred, I'd have a bachelors within 2 years, at 20 years old</p>

<p>All this while my would-be highschool friends were busting their asses in highschool, only to finish two years behind me, and most likely get accepted into a college that's not as good as mine..</p>

<p>The only thing I regret about highschool is not dropping out earlier</p>

<p>I realized that my sophomore year of high school. I saw a decent amount of kids take a similar path, only it was through the local university. They were still “in the school system” but getting all their credits at the university and only taking ~3 courses a semester. They were going to have their degrees at 20 and could transfer after 18.</p>

<p>I was jealous, but the high school experience is priceless I think. I wouldn’t like a non-traditional version of it.</p>

<p>JohnRamboMcCain, that last part I could’ve not said it better myself.</p>

<p>I actually opted for a non-traditional version of high school, but I knew high school was a joke before I got there in ninth grade.</p>

<p>Community college is WAY more of a joke than upper level high school classes. I wouldn’t give up 2 years at a 4-year university to spend them at a community college.</p>

<p>Geez… I’m so jealous
honestly, high school sucks</p>

<p>your path works for those who see no value in the high school experience. but don’t deny that others (most) gain lots of important life knowledge just by being part of such a community. there is more to high school than academics. you could have done something about your social struggles in high school, but chose the other way out. which is fine, im not judging. just don’t forget that the vast majority of people do benefit from being in high school for four years.</p>

<p>all in all, i regret to say, i agree with mccain…</p>

<p>It’s too bad that the two years out didn’t allow you to develop much empathy for others. Instead, you mock kids who you’d pretty much consider suckers – cuz you got to party and now are ending up in the same place or better.</p>

<p>A lot of people have difficulty in HS and opt out. Many have a rough road ahead of them. You’ve been able to succeed. For that you’re to be congratulated. But your attitude towards others is what’s noisome. Say that HS and circumstances weren’t a good match for you. Fine. But to go back and slap everyone else – sheesh!</p>

<p>I’d rather have numbed myself w/two years of mindless chatter rather than develop into a snob that you’ve become. So you’ll be a college graduate at 20 with an attitude and your 130 IQ score. Yippee.</p>

<p>I mean not everyone is willing to take the risks of dropping out. Going through all four years and then to a university is a safer way to get to the same destination. Plenty of people drop out and wind up going down a pretty shaky road.</p>

<p>Yes, I couldn’t wait to get out of high school back in the day, but I wouldn’t trade the social experiences and memories for anything. Even though college kicks the crap out of high school, it was still a good growing/learning experience to just stick it out.</p>

<p>Everyone’s different, though. However, the tone of your post makes you come across as a bit of an arrogant loner. It’s great that you wound up at the same place as many of your peers did with less effort, but that doesn’t mean you should look down upon them for choosing the safer way out. Not everyone is willing to gamble on their high school experience in the way that you did, and that doesn’t make them any better or worse.</p>

<p>If you look at HS ONLY for the educational aspect then sure I guess it looks like you made the right decision. But really what exactly do you get out of this plan of yours? You skipped (imo) the two best years of HS and already cut into your 4-year university time at CC. All so you could enter the workforce a couple years earlier? The same workforce you’ll be in for the next 40+ years of your life? </p>

<p>To each his own I guess but don’t think you’re so high and mighty because you picked a different route.</p>

<p>Did anyone else get the point of this?</p>

<p>High school can be either priceless or painful… Some say you can make it either or… others believe you can’t do anything about it.</p>

<p>High school is a joke. I’m graduating after my Junior year, and I’m so excited. I can’t stand my school, at all.</p>

<p>Some say I’m stupid to do so, but they don’t know me or my situation. I’m so glad that I’m graduating, and have no regrets. I will remember the things I did outside of high school, when I was a teen, those are priceless. However, I don’t want to remember the horrible times I’ve had at high school, nor go through them for a 4th year when my peers in the “class of 2011”, mean nothing to me.</p>

<p>Quoting someone:
“You skipped (imo) the two best years of HS and already cut into your 4-year university time at CC.”</p>

<p>Exactly as you said, IMO. It’s hard to judge when you haven’t walked a day in someone’s shoes at their high school. What if you’re a minority that’s discriminated against every day in high school, and are extremely smart? There are so many circumstances to where high school isn’t enjoyable and it’s better to get on. I believe that’s what is the best for me. My teachers are encouraging me to stay on this 3 year plan as I have and am stoked for college.</p>

<p>Just because someone doesn’t like high school, doesn’t mean you should judge them as a loner, either.</p>

<p>My .02$</p>

<p>High school is all good for me with memorable football games, girls except I just hate the cliqueness and it bugs me that we should all be here for an education not mope around the hallways and gossip.</p>

<p>But anyways Highschool is great besides I get to drive to school now yay.</p>

<p>HIGH SCHOOL WAS SOOO FUNNN - amazing times, fun people, interesting courses, occasional challenging exams, tennis, theatre, so many clubs - there’s no reason to drop</p>

<p>i do understand wanting to go to college/university earlier through post-secondary or skipping a grade, but dropping out!!!???!? u’ve gotta be kidding me</p>

<p>I think the most illuminating part of your entire post is this:</p>



<p>I’m getting a pmvd vibe. :|</p>

<p>Seriously, though, even the worst schools have more to offer than what you just listed. You just have to dig a little beneath the surface, open your mind, stop having such a narrow perspective. It’s really unfortunate that you couldn’t bring yourself to search for the things that would’ve made high school the experience that so many people remember for the rest of their lives.</p>

<p>And, I mean, “would-be high school friends”? It sounds like you don’t value friendship all that much … so who’s going to celebrate that bachelor’s at twenty years old with you?</p>

<p>you’ve made a topic about your supposed 130+ IQ(and definite 1690 SAT), a topic about wanting to become a rich ibanker(sweet plan, highly original), and now a topic making fun of people who didn’t drop out of high school. Get over yourself.</p>

<p>This is strange because it says it was all today but there are a lot of people posting in this thread that haven’t been around in awhile.</p>

<p>^ it got moved from the college admissions board</p>

<p>Most people realize High School is a joke. Unfortunately I don’t have the luxury of transportation to any of the community colleges (Non-school busing around here is non-existent). I kept myself sane by doing things with the few teachers I liked.</p>