I Finally Got Accepted!!!!!

<p>I'm in. WOOOOHOOO & I got a $16,000 scholarship. But, I'm still waiting on UF's decision.</p>

<p>Wow. We're exactly the same! South FL.....same scholarship......waiting for UF etc. Good luck!</p>

<p>Haha yea, I hope we're still the same after Feb 15th!</p>

<p>Are you guys really going to choose UF over UM!??</p>

<p>Maybe. I we would both get 100% bright futures there, so financially it makes a lot more sense.</p>

<p>I got in too!</p>

<p>Why wouldn't we choose UF over UM? UF is a far better school, higher standard, more affordable, more prestigious...the list goes on. Not to mention the campus is beautiful.</p>

<p>fabiolita notes,"UF is a far better school, higher standard, more affordable, more prestigious."</p>

<p>Response: Gotta love the bad opinions given here. In Miami area, Miami Rocks far more than UF. Many more alumni are in Miami and is much, much easier to get jobs and internships attending UM. Out of state, it may surprise you to learn that most folks think of UF as a big party school. UM has a better reputation, as hard as it may be to believe.</p>

<p>In addition, UM tends to be more nurturing than a state school and not as subject to budget cuts as state schools are now becoming more subject to.</p>

<p>Why would you go to UF over Miami? </p>

<p>That's just gross...</p>

<p>I can tell you from over 16 people I know between UF and UM they all consider UM more prestigious. This is due to the fact that:</p>

<p>A. Generally better perceived population. A huge perception of the central/northern florida area is that they are more "Hick" for lack of a better word.</p>

<p>B. They consider UF to be a huge party school for floridians.</p>

<p>C. Floridians don't have the best intellectual reputation (no offense), so a school full of them compared to a private school that accepts many from everywhere is looked upon a lot better.</p>

<p>Not saying that I believe all of this, but this is just the general perception around here (NYC/N NJ)</p>

<p>Hyakku: Exactly,. Same here in Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia.</p>

<p>Well you can shove NYC/NJ's perception because I don't care. UF is ranked higher nationally, a degree from UF is valued more than UM. You're getting better quality and only paying a quarter of UM's tuition. I'm going to graduate school in Europe, & a UF degree will put me towards the top of the applications stack as opposed to a UM degree.</p>

<p>And just because there are "Hicks" in the surrounding area doesn't mean anything. What about Vanderbilt University in Tennessee? It's Hick central, yet one of the most prestigious universities in America. It's sad that America's future is so ignorant.</p>

<p>Value is in the eye of the beholder. I am not sure how UMiami is perceived in California, but UF would certainly be viewed with a jaundiced eye. I'm not saying it's right. But kids applying to schools where they want to be able to get jobs across the country really ought to know how this works.</p>

<p>What's on February 15th?</p>

<p>For those of you who got in, could you post your stats? Thanks.</p>

<p>The UF decision date.</p>

Well you can shove NYC/NJ's perception because I don't care. UF is ranked higher nationally, a degree from UF is valued more than UM. You're getting better quality and only paying a quarter of UM's tuition. I'm going to graduate school in Europe, & a UF degree will put me towards the top of the applications stack as opposed to a UM degree.</p>

<p>And just because there are "Hicks" in the surrounding area doesn't mean anything. What about Vanderbilt University in Tennessee? It's Hick central, yet one of the most prestigious universities in America. It's sad that America's future is so ignorant.


<p>Rofl, I don't know why you are getting upset, if you like your school no one should convince you otherwise, I'm just correcting what you said about everyone knowing that UF is better than UM (or whoever said that).</p>

<p>The value of the degree depends on where you go as well, in Miami I can almost guarantee you a UM degree is more valued than a UF one. Also, with state funding getting lower and lower, and UM constantly rising, the chances of UM being higher than UF within the next four years is very high. The past three years UM has had a 2-3 spot gain consistently, and many state schools have seen lowered budget expectations. </p>

<p>Finally, sayin that you are getting a better quality is a very subjective thing to say. IMO you get a better undegrad experience at UM, better grad probably at UF. considering the size of UF, average class size, etc, UM provides a much more nurturing environment for undergrads.</p>

<p>And to go to europe for grad school, neither one of those is going to make too much of a difference in comparison with the other one, especially considering how rapidly times are changing and grad programs in europe are far different than in the US, but I'll let you figure that out yourself.</p>

<p>Regardless, I don't really care either way because I've got two other schools higher on my list than UM, so it doesn't really hurt me either way.</p>

<p>And the hick reputation aren't my words (although I do agree with it, sue me, i really don't care :p), but more or less a perception of our area. It's not necessarily bad or good, you shouldn't be worried about stereotypes anyway.</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone who made it to UM. It really is a good school, UM is neck to neck with UF, IMO, and I am a UF Undergrad at the moment. While Gainesville may have this "hick" reputation, Miami doesn't have the best reputation either. I'm from Miami and decided to go to UF because 1) I wanted to leave home and 2) I'm paying WAYYY less at UF, even by moving away. People up here have a bad perception of the people in Miami, that we're rude, LOUD, obnoxious, etc. This due to the large Hispanic community [and Yes, I am Hispanic]. So, do NOT let people's opinons sway you from where you're going to go. Wherever you are happy, is where you should go.</p>

<p>I think it's also because of political differences between north/south Florida. LOL.</p>

<p>As a floridian that has recently been accepted to both UF and UM: </p>

<p>UF is generally seen as the school for the hardworking middle class students, they can usually go there completely free thanks to florida's great bright futures program. </p>

<p>While Miami is the school for the more privledged (although they do have a generous scholarship program, still the majority accepted receives less than 11,000). It costs an estimated 45,000 a year to attend. This results in a large population of students that have yet to work a single day in their lives.</p>

<p>and for all you northerners and your "steryotypes", they only make you appear ever so ignorant and foolish. It's quite hilarious that you see us as hicks... considering that much to our dismay many of you move down here.</p>