I forgot to send in SATs!!!

<p>Apparently I haven't sent in my SAT scores for Chicago; is it way too late to have collegeboard send them? My high school sent my initial scores (1250/1980), but my second time around I got 1430/2170. </p>

<p>Is it a waste of my time to send these?</p>

<p>Thanks for listening!</p>

<p>No, send that **** and soon</p>

<p>that sux with a capital S</p>

<p>Does your school send them with your transcript? I know my school sends them out directly.</p>

<p>If they notified you that they are missing and they need you to send them, go ahead and do so. If they didn't tell you that and you just realized it on your own, call them and ask.</p>

<p>Notify your admissions rep at Chicago and send the scores immediately.</p>

<p>^ What TheLorax said.</p>

<p>And when you notify your rep, it won't hurt to tell him what your newest scores are.</p>

<p>Uh... Edited because I'm an idiot, and apparently my brain is dead (translation: had a little your/you're issue...)</p>

<p>Yea, that's quite a leap.</p>